What will U2 & Kirk Franklin be playing tommorow???

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Headache in a Suitcase

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Jul 16, 2000
Opinions are my own.
Anyone wanna take a guess?? Well we all know it's not gonna be Beautiful Day... the odds on favorites have to be Walk On, Stuck, and Elevation... I'm gonna have to go with Walk On myself with Franklin' adding his voice to the Halelujah's at the end that Bono adds in the live versions and the Godrich remix... but who knows... maybe they'll throw something unexpected at us... what'cha think?

But that's my opinion, I could be wrong.
-Dennis Miller

Dressing like your sister, living like a tart. They don't know what you're doing, babe it must be art. You're a headache... in a suitcase... You're a star.
come september alot can change
summer's love turns to winter's pain in new york
Kirk Franklin, huh
Who is he and whats this all about??
Kirk Franklin is an R&B singer with a gospel edge to it. Bono sang vocals on a Kirk Franklin song in 1998/99, I think it was called Stand By Me(an original, not a cover), the song was nominated for a Grammy in 1999. Kirk Franklin performed it at the 1999 Grammys, which of course Bono made a guest appearance. I guess Kirk is returning the favor.

They'll probably sing Stuck In A Moment or Walk On.
According to atU2.com, they will be playing "Walk On" which is weird because usually artists have to play the song that is nominated for Song of the Year. "Walk On" was nominated for Record of the Year. But o well, I'm not complaining!

I just hope that they don't turn their Grammy performance into a September 11th tribute...
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