What album did you just listen to from start to finish - Part V

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Clare Bowditch and the Feeding Set - What Was Left
Mark Lanegan - Field Songs

I feel like rediscovering my own music collection and spending time with the records that I listened to maybe once, liked what I heard, then never got around to them again. And yet there's all this new music coming out. Arrghh!
I feel like rediscovering my own music collection and spending time with the records that I listened to maybe once, liked what I heard, then never got around to them again. And yet there's all this new music coming out. Arrghh!

I have this too. So much music and so much more to explore.

O(+> - The Gold Experience

(a record I hadn't listened to for at least 1 year)
Midlake - 'The Courage of Others'
Joanna Newsom - 'Have One On Me (disc 1)'
^^ i don't like the way 'gold' is written on that cover. it reminds me of what happens to my vision when i get migraines.


wish i'd listened to this album last year!
Arctic Monkeys - Humbug
Editors- An End Has A Start
Editors - In This Light And On This Evening
Now: Editors - The Back Room
drive-by truckers - brighter than creation's dark
coldplay - viva la vida
grizzly bear - veckatimest
arcade fire - funeral
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - 'Beat the Devil's Tattoo'
Doves - 'Kingdom of Rust'
Joanna Newsom - 'Have One On Me (disc 2)'
Arcitc Monkeys - Humbug
Editors - In This Light And On This Evening
Arcade Fire - Neon Bible
Midlake - 'The Courage of Others'
Frightened Rabbit - 'The Winter of Mixed Drinks'
Gorillaz - Plastic Beach
Frightened Rabbit - Winter of Mixed Drinks
Phantogram - Eyelid Movies
The Strokes - Is This It?
The Shins - Oh, Inverted World
Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights (This was the first time I'd ever heard this. Dear God, what a good album!)
Kaizers Orchestra - Maskineri
The Police - Synchronicity
TV on the Radio - Return to Cookie Mountain
Trockener Kecks - Meer niet! (disc 1)
Mark Hollis - Mark Hollis
I want to listen to that one too!!! :scream:


The Rolling Stones - Beggars Banquet

what's this artificial horizon thing? i'm assuming a remix of the recent album? i don't want to venture into EYKIW and find out. that just makes me dig up some random u2 album which i enjoy immensely for 4 or 5 songs, or until i get to its overplayed single and feel like throwing their entire catalogue out the window. actually, i heard WOWY on the radio somewhere while i was accidentally listening to the radio and was pleased to hear it. and i heard stuck in a moment today while waiting for my car to be inspected, and realized i kinda missed it. so maybe going over there won't indirectly spark the rage i thought, but i still don't think i want to take any chances.

oh right. i went off on a tangent. um, last album i listened to from start to finish was shearwater--rook after i listened to saves the day--through being cool, and before that ramallah--kill a celebrity.
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