What album did you just listen to from start to finish - Part V

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i always seem to forget that this album exists, so it's always a nice treat when i discover it in my library.

yea great album. whenever i'm really, really fucking low, i jack this shit up on my ipod before going to bed at night, and just lose myself in it as i drift off to sleep. it resonates frighteningly well with my state of mind when i'm feeling like that

now listening to Animal Collective - Sung Tongs. Another major :heart: for this one!

Johnny Cash, American VI: Ain't No Grave! :hyper:
The xx - S/T bonus disc
The Ruby Suns - Fight Softly
Beach House - Teen Dream
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Bloc Party - A Weekend In The City
Neko Case - Middle Cyclone
Queens Of The Stone Age - Lullabies To Paralyze
Pink Floyd - Animals
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
Yeah Yeah Yeah's - Its Blitz
Metric - Fantasies
Paramore - All We Know Is Falling
Kaiser Chiefs - Employment
Kelly Clarkson - All I Ever Wanted
What's on the bonus disc? I did not receive a bonus with my album. :angry:

Well, you know me, I downloaded it. It's a 5 track disc with a mix of demos and other songs. Interesting in terms of seeing where the ideas for some of their songs developed from. Probably not essential, to be honest, though.
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