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gherman said:
I don't know if this is what you'er looking for but its pretty damn good.


Yes, something like that. But he didnt push that note with the force he did on the album version. So Im looking for the when he hits the note, but with more force :) Thanks for the link.

The thing is that he has hit that note two times on the Vertigo tour, one of the Dublin shows 2005 and in the version of Hawaii last year :)
Peterrrrr said:

Yes, something like that. But he didnt hit the high C in that version like he do on the album version. So Im looking for the when he hits the note :) Thanks for the link.

The thing is that he has hit that note two times on the Vertigo tour, one of the Dublin shows 2005 and in the version of Hawaii last year :)
BonoVoxSupastar said:

Well he hits the note, he just doesn't carry it out as long or have as much air behind. But he hits the note.

Well, it can't be high a C? confused: It sounds more like he sings it calmer.

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