Well now that its confirmed, Shouldnt this forum be dedicated to....

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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War Child
Sep 19, 2002
gulf coast
the spider-man musical? :wink:

srsly tho, I think this is exactly what bono and edge need to quell the perception of them being musically straight arrow. Or it could further cement the fact, depending on where they go with it. I personally think that they go way out into left field with it considering the subject and hopefully it will spill over into the next album. BTW, I had a dream last night where i was at a party and saw Larry on a couch, chillin. I asked him if he had any idea what the direction was for the next record and he told me hes been into pantera and he was wearing that motercycle jacket from that interview with him and bono in '86. I dont like metal but this could be interesting... :wink: lol I wonder what it is about couches and U2 in my dreamscape. Bono was chillin on a couch in a club a few months back in one of my dreams. I cant wait to meet The Edge.

I hope it'll be available to buy when they finish. Theres no broadway around here.
Well even if this does pan out, I doubt we'll see Bono and The Edge on a lot of it. More than likely it will be a cast of musicians and the vocal would be done by the cast of actors...

But who knows.
hmm, i suppose you're right. That crossed my mind but I was hoping they'd put out an official release and then the actors and stage muicians would perform it.
They'll probably just produce background music. Similiar to what they did when they did the music for the Clockwork Orange thing a long time ago.

Maybe we'll get interesting instrumentals along the lines of Alex Descends Into Hell...

Or maybe just boring strings and vocal arrangement stuff.
or 'theres a chigger in your bum'? whatever a chigger is....

i was referring to the 'where the album has no name' though seeing as that would be the next release. But if it isnt bono and edge on the record, if there even is a record, then nevermind. It was a stretch to begin with being that there is no larry or adam.
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