Was Elevation at the end purposely done?SPOILER

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Jul 25, 2000
Smile, you're reading my post
Ok so Elevation was played at the start of the encore and not to open..

Im wondering if this was actually done on purpose or if something went wrong.
They played All you Need is Love after Sgt Peppers and didnt go straight into the Influx mix so Im wondering if there was a problem or it was intended.

Maybe Im thinking too much about it, but it just seemed odd.
It didnt matter, opening with BD was cool, but I do wonder...

Any thoughts?
was is the point of me writing spoiler in the title when i spoiled it with the actual title?!?!?!

Umm, you kinda gave the spoiler away in the title.

How shitty am I, I have the worlds almighty greatest fastest wickedest internet connection at work but they have some f*in firewall or something that stops streaming live stuff. So I didn't see it.

But I'll be able to get it off u2.com I spose.
I was thinkin DUH, you just spoiled it in your title!

I dont think it was a mistake...that was pretty much the way the rehearsed the show according to the rumors, seems intentional to me.
I still have to laugh when I read this thread

Shake it, shake it, shake it
yes, this topic is incredibly hilarious.


malibu whortense? is now going to cry in her malibu whortense? '77 yugo? with her boyfriend, malibu vargas mcdoogle?. manda spoiled the concert for malibu whortense?.


~whortense wiffin
walla walla, washington
Originally posted by Malibu Whortense:
yes, this topic is incredibly hilarious.


malibu whortense? is now going to cry in her malibu whortense? '77 yugo? with her boyfriend, malibu vargas mcdoogle?. manda spoiled the concert for malibu whortense?.


*doctorwho evilly and gleefully laughs at the fact that the concert was spoiled for that spoiled malibu whore...tense? person.
Although in my personal opinion, BD worked well as an opener, it didn't work as well as elevation has been working, although it was cool to a changeup like that.

I'd like to see elevation continuing as a show opener and BD somewhere near the bottom of the main setlist. I think UTEOTW works better to carry the momentum and energy of elevation than does BD.

Just my opinion!
"Beautiful Day" doesn't pack as much punch as "Elevation" does for an opener. When those first power chords hit in "Elevation" it is pure madness (great shit), but with "Beautiful Day" it was like one of those 'church' atmospheres.

The Notre Dame show did not seem like a rock show for some reason. The vibe didn't seem as electrifying as it usually is (in my opinion). I also think it was the most crowd-friendly setlist I've ever seen. No "In a little While" or "The Fly" ... hmmmmm. Interesting - but not rocking. Though I'd like to say that "Angel of Harlem" sounds great in it's 're-invention'.


" They had the Vision, but we had the Television " - The Edge

" The greatest lesson you'll ever learn - is to love, and be loved in return" - David Bowie

"Hey John Lennon ! We don't need your help." - Bono
I'm still looking for my 'kibbles' n' bits', also I stole Malibu Whoretense's plastic shoes for a chew toy.

And I think this spoils everything.
I won't be going to my show now because of this.
While I very much enjoyed "Elevation" as an opener, I thought "Beautiful Day" worked just as well. I think I just liked hearing Bono yell "The heart is a bloom!" over and over before the full band kicked in.
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