War and Peace

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

Angela Harlem

Jesus Online
Dec 31, 1969
a glass castle
Has anyone ever read this book?
Does it even exist?
Is it the great tome everyone makes it out to be?
How many unchartered forums are there in here anyway?
Haven't been brave enough to read it.
I think it exists (saw it in a used bookstore once).
No idea if it's good or bad.
Ask Elvis.

LOL Risti! heheh, I love your new nick. Did your mum like it?

Hmmm, I will ask Elvis one day if hes read it. Thanks Sula
Wierd, I was in a bookstore today in the classics section, picked up War and Peace by Tolstoy. Low and behold thought I will never read that and put it back. Then I come here.
Off with my head.
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