I am going to preface this by saying that I am Catholic and I believe in God.
One Tree Still said:
Well, this is a huge philosophical topic, but if Bono, Edge and Larry's faith is real, then it IS , by definition, the be all end all for everyone.
Why is the faith of three individuals so important to everyone? I believe, because I choose to. I don't believe my faith alone will "save" me--it is not the be all end all in my life. It's important, but I belive that being a good person is far more important. I don't think faith in God is a prerequisite for heaven--a good life, yes, but not faith.
One Tree Still said:
That's the nature of the God of the Bible. If he's real - and I believe he is - then there's no room for subjective truth (which is an oxymoron in itself). No room for "that works for you but not for me".
Why isn't there room for subjective truth? I certainly thing there are truths (ie love, freedom, etc) but I think the way we interpret them and use them in our lives is certainly subjective. For example, some people are very open to love in their lives and some people, for whatever reason, just can let themselves love or be loved.
It is similar with the idea of God ... Some people can let God into their lives and some people just are not open to that idea.
I think faith is an incredibly personal decision--yes, I was raised Catholic (and children all over the world are raised with different faith systems), but ultimately it is their decision whether they accept or reject that faith.
One Tree Still said:
Please understand that I respect someone's right to reject what I share with them and would not judge them for not responding to Christ. But I do still consider that person to be someone who needs to know.
I think most people, even atheists and agnostics, "know" about God ... In my experience, at least in the Western World, a lot of our culture is based around the idea of a single God (Christianity, Judiasm, Islam etc ... we may call him different things, but it is the same God). The Atheists I have known did grow up within some sort of a religious tradition and did "know" about God and what role he was supposed to play (this may not apply to all atheists, through).