Walk On (from Ali to Bono?)

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Oct 24, 2000
reno, NV,89450
Walk on almost seems like it could have been written by Ali to Bono, "your packing a suitcase, for a place where none of us has been"--"you could have flown away, a singing bird in an open cage"--"stay safe tonight"--etc., though it's likely, Bono to Ali, it could also be looked at from the other direction..just a thought..
I just wanted to say, Your a big ******* ****. HA HA just kidding! Welcome to the forum! You have the best handle on the site.

"The Critics are dead."
-Rock 'N' Roll
it's dedicated to someone on the album, and U2 performed an early version of Walk On for her. I'll be damned if I can remember how to spell her name, though.

Of course that doesn't necessarily mean that the song was originally intended for her..
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