Validity of MY VH1 Awards

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Rock n' Roll Doggie ALL ACCESS
Nov 14, 2000
I know we would all love to see U2 do great at the My Vh1 Awards which are coming up soon. But I have a question which may or may not have already been discussed.

Does the voting really work like it is supposed to? I watched the show last year since U2 was performing and I remember them saying during the show "Go vote. Votes are tallied up until the time that the award is handed out."

But then they've got footage of artists (Faith Hill at least if I can remember) who are not at the awards show, yet there they are sitting with their My VH1 award. Now if voting is supposed to continue up until the award is given out, how on earth do they have a video of some winners who already have their awards?

Am I just being paranoid? Are some artists winning by such a landslide that they know well in advance who will win?

This is why I have yet to vote for U2 or even care about these awards this year. So what does everyone else think?
Originally posted by HeartlandGirl:

But then they've got footage of artists (Faith Hill at least if I can remember) who are not at the awards show, yet there they are sitting with their My VH1 award. Now if voting is supposed to continue up until the award is given out, how on earth do they have a video of some winners who already have their awards?

Am I just being paranoid? Are some artists winning by such a landslide that they know well in advance who will win?

This is why I have yet to vote for U2 or even care about these awards this year. So what does everyone else think?

i believe it is fairly common practice for awards show nominees to pre-record acceptance speeches if they are unable to attend the show. of course if you don't win i'm sure your publicist must acquire that tape and destroy it to prevent you from looking like a fool.

i'm a reasonable man
get off my case
Oh. It all seems so much clearer now.

So the pre-recorded stuff is pre-recorded whether the artist is going to win or not. I see. Glad I asked.

Still, I think that with all the awards shows, I could definitely do without the VH1 awards.
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