
The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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How does a woman know that a man's in love with her vagina? Because he won't be able to get enough of it. Because he won't be able to get enough of it!
By the time I get to college, I'm gonna be the Iron Chef of pounding vag!
LemonMacPhisto said:
By the time I get to college, I'm gonna be the Iron Chef of pounding vag!

Meaning you're going to learn how to stuff a special ingredient into as many dishes as possible in a set amount of time, all the while trying to upstage the likes of Molto Mario and Bobby Flay while yelling at your sue (sic) chef - only with vag? Good luck, bro.
unico said:
i see you guys are making good use of the premium advantages. ;)


Oh, wait. I'm not here. :ohmy: This isn't happening. I float down the Liffey. But I'm not here. :shifty:
snowbunny00774 said:
:silent: my mind is filthy :(

Yeah, me too. I totally thought this topic was going to be about something....dirty. Something filthy, yeah. Dirty and filthy. Yes. Something like that...yeah, like that. You like that don't you. Yes, you do. You like that cause you're a dirty girl. A dirty, filthy girl, yeah. Yes. Yes you are.
I thought this thread was going to be about people who cannot pronounce "Virginia" correctly.
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