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Blue Crack Supplier
Dec 5, 2003
in the sound dancing - w Bono & Edge :D
:( :hug: :hug: :hug:

I totally forgot what Univ you were at!!!

My sib knew some people a long time ago.

"Besides" carrying the up & down emotions/thots of a extremely tramatic expereince.....what are you up to?

Hope we'll see you back in PGP sometime!

take care of yourself. :yes::hug:
aww dazz, thank you so much :hug: it is great to hear from you. i'm getting by. i've since moved back to where i went to high school, and i graduated with my master's. so now i'm working at another university.

thanks so much for thinking of me. i miss you, and i hope to be back in the pgp soon! :hug:
:hug: unico, thanks for getting back to me....

:applaud: :happy: :applaud:
***Congratulations*** on acheiving your Masters! :hyper:

Good luck at your new job & university!

I'll be happy to see you, when you feel up to it in PGP again.

In the meantime take care! :)
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