U2's Bono to become the world's richest musician tomorrow - NME.com

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Aug 15, 2004
Minnesota, USA
I'm guessing he's one of a few people happy about the Facebook IPO coming up! :D

U2's Bono to become the world's richest musician tomorrow (May 18) | News | NME.COM

U2 frontman Bono will become the richest musician in the world tomorrow (May 18), overtaking Paul McCartney.

Facebook is set to float on the stock exchange tomorrow and all its early investors are set to earn huge amounts of money from the flotation, with the Irish singer among them.

The U2 singer owns 2.3 per cent of the shares in Facebook through his private equity firm, Elevation Partners, which they bought for $90 million (£57 million) in 2009 and now stands to make a handsome return.

Given the social media company is currently valued at over $100billion (£63 billion), this makes Bono's share worth over $1.5 billion (£940 million) and puts him well above Paul McCartney, who is currently the world's richest rock star with a fortune of £665 million.

U2 are rumoured to be working on new material with One Direction's songwriters, according to reports, with Swedish pop svengali Carl Falk, who penned the boyband's 'What Makes You Beautiful' reportedly on board.

A source said of this: "The band are back in the studio getting a feel for new material after the last album 'No Line On The Horizon'. Will.i.am had a credit on that and they are looking to explore that direction further. They have been working with Danger Mouse and RedOne. They are excited about getting to work with Carl Falk."

You can watch a video of Noel Gallagher discussing his love for U2 by scrolling down to the bottom of the page and clicking.
Bono is not the sole owner of Elevation Partners. Not all of that $1.5b will be his.

Also, what this article has to say about the new album is utterly frightening, though it's probably just regurgitated stuff from the past several months.
Oh god, let's just please ignore the crap about the album rumors, because yes, it's just regurgitated "news."

Let's focus on how fucking rich Bono is.

So .... that Bono. Pretty fucking rich, eh?
First off I'm gonna venture a guess that Bono's is the biggest slice of the pie over at good ol' Elevation Partners.

And secondly, even if his cut ends up being somewhat less than 1.5b, take that cut and add it to his other net worth (what's that, a couple hundred mil?)..and he'll still probably end up richer than McCartney..

Good for him! :up:
Had a argument today at work with a guy about this,he is always slagging Bono and U2 off. He must think Bono was born a mega rich rockstar,really frustrating talking to people like that.
You should move out of the country and renounce your US citizenship so you can keep all of it! That should let you survive on that pittance.
Nick66 said:
But glittering prizes and endless compromises shatter the illusion of integrity.

Truer words have never been spoken, although less pretentious ones have. :wink:
u2popmofo said:
You'd think he could afford some Rogaine with all that cash.

Or at least a nice hairpiece. Think of the hot flashes a PLEBAn would have if that flew off and hit them in the face.
gvox said:
He's probably worth more than the Beatles, the Stones, Kiss and every other so called great rock band too, so what?

It really means a lot to me!!
All the money probaly dosent go in bonos back pocket but he would get a very large share of it! Isnt he a partner in that elevation business?

If it did all go to him he would defo be a billionaire by now!

When your as rich as he already is what do you do with the money?it isnt as if he couldnt afford anything before!

This will fuel the bono haters for sure :)
I couldn't even imagine having that much money. I mean, there's a certain point where it becomes impossible to spend. As Bill Gates says, your cheeseburger still costs the same amount.
I was talking about that with someone the other day.

When you have that kind of money, do you carry cash? Do you stop at ATMs? Do you have spare change in your pocket or in a little dish on your dresser?
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