The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Originally posted by Diamond The U2 Patriot:
Really dont think it is up to us anyhow.
If the fellas wanna take a BREAK, SO BE IT.
Who are we as fans of their work to dictate to them what their schdule is to be?
These are not POP STARS.
Thank you.

..damn kids and newbie fans anyhow.

If you wanna send me another email please do so at----diamondbruno9@aol.com
thanks boss

[This message has been edited by Diamond The U2 Patriot (edited 03-12-2002).]

Thank you, Diamond. I agree wholly with you. If U2 wants to take a break, then let them! They need it. I'll wait

lilsparky: did you like the pics i took of my favorite band?
viktor: actually had a dream about larry mullen last night...not a gay dream but a weird dream.....
lilsparky: really?
lilsparky: what was it about?
viktor: yeah...we were going to a party and all my high school friends walked along him and then Bono rushed out and said something weird and that guy from the pouges...shane mac Gowan came and we all showered in sugar
viktor: weird
Originally posted by Vorsprung:
I don't know what caused the cancellation, but I do believe it was CANCELLED and they had a good reason for it. Not just because they didn't feel like touring, because I believe that much of the tour was already arranged and the rumors weren't that much rumor at all. Why else would MOJO Concerts (the Dutch concert promotor) already book the Amsterdam ArenA (confirmed!!) on the 19th and 20th of July, and drop the reservation at the same moment u2.com tells us there won't be any tour this summer. They don't make a reservation for a large stadium for nothing!! Also I don't think U2 will just drop a tour they almost completely arranged (just think of all the costs).
I just hope that the reasons for cancelling this tour aren't (too) bad....

Yes, obviously things were cancelled. I think most of us are using the term "rumor" not in the sense that it was just talk and nothing was really planned, but rather in the sense that until it's officially announced it's still a rumor. Deals fall through all the time. It's nothing new. Remember Boston for the 3rd leg? Before the official dates were announced the Boston arena was booked and ticket brokers were advertising that they would have tickets. Boston fans were all excited and planning their days off. Then, nothing. It didn't happen.

Yes, they had some venues booked, but it's not unlikely that they couldn't get enough European venues booked at appropriate times to make a European tour work. It's a whole lot cheaper to cancel reservations than to drag all that equipment around for only a few shows.

I really don't think it's as big a deal as most people think.
Hmmm.....heres my penny's worth.....

About that cancellation....If I were you all, I would stay put and wait to hear from the U2 guys themselves not U2.com nor Principle Management to find out what happened......

As for Propaganda......I think one of the reasons for the over-subscription of the magazine is that, apparently some people cheated by multiple subscribing (same address different names but actually only one person) and getting their hands on many U2 tickets rather than the entitlement of 2 tickets per fan. So in the end, (I have seen this on Ebay and Yahoo online auctions) there was batches of 10 or more tickets being sold at the same time all with the word PROPAGANDA printed on the tickets!!!!

So thats why Propaganda is currently over-subscribed cos too many people knew about the ticket guarantee it gives to subscribers. Maybe I could be wrong here but thats what I think has happened at Propaganda...

Any comments on this?

Three things.

1. Where is there a rule that says you cant have more than one Propaganda subscription per household?? Why is that cheating?
2. When has Propaganda EVER guaranteed tickets? Every form I have received since Zoo TV says emphatically that they CANNOT guarantee tickets but will do there best.
3. Since when is a magazine over subscribed?? As long as they are charging the proper amount to publish the magazine it shouldnt be a problem and as infrequent as Prop is, I definately dont see how this is a problem and if it was the solution is simple, raise the price to cover the increased publishing costs.

If the ticket offer was the source of the problem it would be simple. Dont offer tickets any longer.

Also, I dont know what shows your were searching for on Ebay or Yahoo during the tour but as someone who went through them extensively at the time, I saw VERY few tickets that were Prop tickets for sale. Especially in that large of group (10). When I did see Prop tickets it was typically 2 and they were being sold because a fan had ordered them as a back up in case they couldnt get them at a ticket outlet. What is wrong with that?

So I think your reasoning is a bit off, just my opinion.

[This message has been edited by Blue Room (edited 03-14-2002).]
A source for Interference.com called spoke with someone at Principle Mgmt and asked about Prop...
they said that the band basically wasn't happy with how NOT often Prop came out, so decided to drop it, and just focus whatever effort they do have on u2.com (so now we have it from the horses mouth.. not some 3rd party source)

Originally posted by dougal55:
Hmmm.....heres my penny's worth.....

About that cancellation....If I were you all, I would stay put and wait to hear from the U2 guys themselves not U2.com nor Principle Management to find out what happened......

A very sensible statement


I'd like to bring up one more point, and that is that I think folks might have to get used to never knowing.

IMO it is VERY unlikely that the band members will address the issue further, or that U2.com or Principle Management will address it either. I very much doubt that there will ever be any offical word from any of them other than, "it didn't work out" or "personal reasons."

They haven't been in the habit of making their reasons for things known lately, and they have been completely silent about all rumors. They never addressed pulling out of the Concert for New York other than citing "personal reasons" even when there were silly rumors circulating. They never addressed all the crazyness after the "beautiful people in Boston" hullabaloo. They've kept pretty quiet really about most everything. (Heck, no one even knows the name of Larry's youngest child, and Bono announce its birth at that club date over a year ago !

Since they never finalized plans and made an official announcement in the first place, they don't really owe anyone a detailed explanation and I really don't expect to get one. If people find out about certain possibilities and get all worked up, it's not U2's fault if they are dissapointed when it falls through. There's a reason it takes so long to make things "official" (Boston fans learned this the hard way before the 2nd US leg of the tour.)

In the unlikely event that they do address it further it will probably be some vague statement, and that will be that. (Off hand comments by Bono don't count. He's known for saying the first thing that pops into his head.

Anyway, that's my prediction. It's still good of Elvis to try to get information for us, and more power to him if he actually finds out the real scoop.
Originally posted by Elvis:
Several rumour theories currently exist (and are being reported/discussed at the Interference.com forum) such as the band is breaking up or that there is a fatwa on Bono.

I don't remember topics being discussed.
All I recall is threads about the next album.
Have I missed something?
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