U2 to Perform First Concerts at MSG Sphere in Las Vegas

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Verified Fan Waitlist

'Accepted from the Waitlist'

I saw one $288 ticket in the nosebleeds.

Most all others were $1,400

For U2 without their drummer in the worst-designed building of all time? The band will looks like ants on stage and you will be sitting inside a screensaver.




The U2 ship has sailed for me unfortunately a few years back.

For all of you that will be going - I hope you truly enjoy it. From someone in the design world who knows the band's creative team, the Sphere client team, and people actually involved in building this monstrosity - be careful what you wish for. This building is not what it set out to be and is certainly not designed for a live concert unfortunately.

More to come, but this entire series of events sounds more like MSG holding U2 to a contract they signed long ago versus a well thought through plan. (Kind of like Songs of Surrender...)

Somehow I feel like the one person who is going to be the biggest winner here is

Hey, anyone remember album speculation here AGES ago, someone mocked up a cd cover with the Count from Sesame Street and it was called "U2: Numbers"? I have it in my memory but can't remember why it was so funny.
/very off-topic
i have faith. there was a fuck up with the pearl jam on sale just the other day, and they resolved it and made right by most.

let's see what happens.

And Pearl Jam has now moved to a 3rd re-assigning of seats by seniority:

Ok. I got lucky . I was taken off the waitlist and managed to get two great seats ( hopefully ! ) in the middle .
I think it’s because it was Nov 1 ( Wednesday ) . Better for the hotel rates ! And ali though not quite on my bday but near enough
I have to sell the oct 11 ones I purchased during fan club sale.
Now it's hotel buying time.

On a scale of 1-10 how stupid would it be for me to book a room at the Mardi Gras hotel.
For all of you that will be going - I hope you truly enjoy it. From someone in the design world who knows the band's creative team, the Sphere client team, and people actually involved in building this monstrosity - be careful what you wish for. This building is not what it set out to be and is certainly not designed for a live concert unfortunately.

Ah now, you can’t dangle bits of info like that and not tell us more!
Hi old friends. I'm sure no one remembers me...this is an old account. I went by FazeCraze and was an attendee at many a setlist party in the 2010s. This fiasco has brought me out of the dusty archives.

Ultra member, got nothing, still haven't gotten off the TM waitlist. It takes a lot to piss me off, but obsessively checking my email for hours and getting 4 hours of sleep will do that to a person.

Anyway, just saying hey in hopes that we may be able to work together on some solutions.
fucking hell, we called it didn’t we?

Uncle Headache’s House of Bitchin’ is in full swing
Let’s just say the idea of hanging a concert lighting grid for a show became an afterthought as the roof is too high to actually do so.

The thought came after spending over $2 billion USD.

Now, I have no doubt Willie will work his magic but the existential question around all of this remains:

When you go to a concert do you go to watch the band, or the images on the big, bigger, and biggest LED screen?

This building is clearly designed for the latter so will the ‘experience’ be Bono, Edge, Adam, and **unknown drummer** playing a 30-year old soundtrack to extraordinarily large visuals by other artists?

Immersive, yes.

Revolutionary, yes.

Expensive, hell yes.

The best way to appreciate your favorite band?

This is perhaps the only way we’re going to get AB in full, and this venue is going to be beyond any other in terms of audio-visual experience.

To see the band that has set the bar for live performance production in this place is very much a once-in-a-lifetime thing.

I’ve been up close and seen that intimate magic plenty. I see this as an (yes expensive) opportunity to take in “the full show” from my favorite band.
Let’s just say the idea of hanging a concert lighting grid for a show became an afterthought as the roof is too high to actually do so.

The thought came after spending over $2 billion USD.

Now, I have no doubt Willie will work his magic but the existential question around all of this remains:

When you go to a concert do you go to watch the band, or the images on the big, bigger, and biggest LED screen?

This building is clearly designed for the latter so will the ‘experience’ be Bono, Edge, Adam, and **unknown drummer** playing a 30-year old soundtrack to extraordinarily large visuals by other artists?

Immersive, yes.

Revolutionary, yes.

Expensive, hell yes.

The best way to appreciate your favorite band?

I hear you. This isn't Springsteen at The Bottom Line. I get it.

Not was ZooTV, PopMart or 360.

The band has always tested the limits of technology. It's who they are.

That's not to say I don't love a sweaty, raucous show in a 500 person club.

There's room for both.

Welcome back, btw
TM announces no general sales will happen tomorrow. VF & fan club subscription only way to access tixs. Seems like someone had made a decision to attempt to address the fan club situation.
I have a theory that they held some tickets back that were meant for the verified sale or the general and may try to make good and some Ultras who were screwed.

I have this theory because I'm delusional
I'm on the stupid waitlist for Pearl Jam tomorrow. Lame. Hopefully they also can't the general onsale.
I have a theory that they held some tickets back that were meant for the verified sale or the general and may try to make good and some Ultras who were screwed.

I have this theory because I'm delusional

“Some” not being “most” is the problem. Not sure where they go from here. It’s bad, man.

My preferred conspiracy theory is that Dolan engineered this to make U2 commit to more shows b/c the Postcards BS isn’t selling.
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