U2 to Perform First Concerts at MSG Sphere in Las Vegas

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So if only 1 show is allowed per Ticketmaster account using either a U2.com request or a Verified Fan code does that mean I should try for the Verified Fan Presale tomorrow if I don't get an email notification for the U2.com request by 10am? Assuming I get a code.:crack:

I would think (hope) that all the presale notifications will be sent before tomorrow morning at 10 so people know whether or not they need to attempt the VF sale.
I would think (hope) that all the presale notifications will be sent before tomorrow morning at 10 so people know whether or not they need to attempt the VF sale.

Would have to be. Or you’ll find yourself flush with tix and it’s Ticketmaster’s own damn fault…
Small sample size so far but looks like all the confirmations thus far are for 9/29 GA.
Since my first choice was 10/25 might as well check my email again in the morning. :lol:
Small sample size so far but looks like all the confirmations thus far are for 9/29 GA.
Since my first choice was 10/25 might as well check my email again in the morning. :lol:

Weird. We’re going to have some interesting data to pore over this week.
Small sample size so far but looks like all the confirmations thus far are for 9/29 GA.
Since my first choice was 10/25 might as well check my email again in the morning. :lol:

Got confirmation for Oct 11 about 30 mins ago
At least he’s interested in this one and wants to see the show, and he’s also never been to Vegas. The only rule was that we are too old to stand so no GA. He’s seen 360 twice with me, Joshua Tree, and even Vertigo (we’d been dating a month and I was clear: something I do is go to U2 shows). He enjoys them enough, especially the production.

But I am seeing Bono this weekend, and that wasn’t a cheap ticket either, so …
he even tolerated going with you to a different city to see a U2 cover band on saint patricks day where you met a bunch of randoms from an internet message board.

he's a keeper.
he even tolerated going with you to a different city to see a U2 cover band on saint patricks day where you met a bunch of randoms from an internet message board.

he's a keeper.

Excellent point. Kind of amazed he didn’t ghost me for good then and there.
Got mine (3 GA for 10/5, first choice) at 4:45 PDT. Ultra group. My last change to my request was at 6:11 PDT this morning, so I don't think request timing matters. I only requested GA (for 10/5, 10/11, and 10/13).
So excited!
Got mine (3 GA for 10/5, first choice) at 4:45 PDT. Ultra group. My last change to my request was at 6:11 PDT this morning, so I don't think request timing matters. I only requested GA (for 10/5, 10/11, and 10/13).
So excited!

Thanks for the context (and congrats!)
Just got the email. GA for 10/20 (first choice) Requested tickets in all sections
Clerks is definitely pulling for all of you.
Don’t want to mention what’s he’s pulling though
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