U2 to perform at Brazilian festival this summer?!

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The Wanderer

Kid A
Aug 20, 2000
Holy Roman Empire
the following has appeared on a well-respected radiohead website this week:

Radiohead gig in Brazil almost certain[Saturday 16-03-02]

'According today's issue of the brazilian newspapper "O Estado de S?o Paulo", Radiohead will be playing Brazil in july on a project called "Kaiser Music". Radiohead's performance in Brazil is 90% certain", says marketing director of the event, Julio Pedro, He adds "The crucial factor for their presence is the voting of the fans at our website. It is up to them". The voting will start soon. Until the end of the year, 8 major bands will be playing at Brazil in this festival. The 16 bands list includes: Radiohead, U2, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Lenny Kravitz, Aerosmith, Oasis and others.

if this has already been pointed out, my sincerest apologies, if not, and there is some truth in this, then that's pretty fucking cool
Actually this was rumored a while ago, but nothing this constructive. So thank you so much much for posting this!!!!

Long live the lemon!!!
Brazil definately deserves this if it goes ahead. Who knows though...

What ya think follower??

"we're free to fly the crimson sky...the sun won't melt our wings tonight..."
Yup, they want U2...and so does Rock in Rio promoter. Now if U2 will come to this or that festival it?s another story...we have been discussed this possiblity in local mailing lists. There will be this voting thing for U2 as well, it?s all we know for awhile. I have to ask a friend of mine about Radiohead though, she?s a great fan.

Btw, the same people behind Kaiser Festival brought Roger Waters to Brazil, a couple of weeks ago.
Yeah, I have heard this rumour before. I certainly hope it is true. How cool would that be for their Brazilian fans???
Not to be a wet blanket but if I recall correctly the Brazilian rumor was going around at the same time everyone thought the Euro tour was a go. Unless U2's new tour is going to start there I doubdt they will play it. U2 does not pick up and play a full concert in front of that large of a crowd without alot of rehearsal (ex. of under rehearsed, LV Popmart) and they are not going to go to that much effort just for one show.

Sorry but I highly doubdt you will see them play there this year. I think they may hit S. America though whenever their next tour is. S. America does deserve to see them, I definately agree with that. Especially from what I have seen on the bootleg video tapes of the shows down there. Great fans.
Blue Room,

I tend to be a down to earth kind of person. A passionate fan but also a realist one. That?s why I agree with everything you said. In fact between both rumours, Rock in Rio 4 and Kaiser Festival, I would believe more in the first option, I must say. But i'ts not likely that we will see them again so soon.

And thanks for your compliment, I dare say that U2 do have legions of great and loyal fans in Brazil. You know what? Anytime I listen to my bootleg of the Notre Dame concert I feel so moved by their performance of When Will I See You Again...it?s like they were addressing the song to all fans like me.


[This message has been edited by follower (edited 03-21-2002).]
I agree with both of you (BlueRoom and follower). I think Rock in Rio is more up to par being that it doesn't take nearly as much preparation in their part and also the fact that it is so much later in the calendar than Kaiser would be, so much so that if rumors run true then there might be a new album by then. At the same time when's the last time U2 played a festival? Though that means nothing it's also a thought to ponder.

On the other hand Kaiser seems more like a dream, as it is a mini-tour of Brasil and the requirement is a minimum 30K venue. While it requires more work from the band, though I don't think nearly as much as we're thinking all they got to do is remove the dustballs from the stage, it's also a lot more comprehensive and less half-assed (we all know they're perfectionists). So I think that IF they even consider doing either of these, this one is a bit more favorable. Especially since Kaiser is gonna be footing the bill, which is VERY nice for them because if Australia is too much cash to put on, well Brasil is not much cheaper if not more expensive. I don't know, I think it gives them a chance to do what, I think, they'd like to do without having to pay for the privalege. At the same time this would be the first time U2 have taken on sponsorship, and that makes it highly unlikely.

As a Brasilian I hope at least one of those hold true so I can see them at home, as a realist I don't think either will.

Long live the lemon!!!
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