U2 setlist change

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Yeah I like that they have changed things up. I still think they could go even further, but that's not really U2's style, so I'm just not gonna whine about it.

If you use the Rose Bowl concert setlist, they're playing 15 of the same songs they played last time around I think. 15/24 is not bad I guess.
I've noticed that Edge said something about having the stadium go dark and it's just the band and the crowd when U2 accepted the tour award at the Billboard awards thing Sunday night. I wonder, was he talking about Zooropa?:hmm:

And I am very satisfied with the setlist right now. In fact I hope it doesn't really change at all for the rest of the leg. This current setlist they're going with will outdo the set I got in Raleigh nearly two years ago. I've recently realized I may just see Zooropa live!:hyper:

I love that the ATYCLB songs are being taken out and replaced with something substantially better, such as Stuck being replaced with Stay (that's correct isn't it?). And EBTTRT is such a thrilling opener in my mind. Zooropa seems as if it's such an awestruck moment when the stadium goes dark and you just let the song and the visuals do a mindf*ck on you.:D No more setlist complaints here.
I believe he was talking about Moment of Surrender, when Willy turns down all the nights and they have their "milky way" moment.
Seriously, I'm done setlist bitching.

Think about it. Back when the tour began, even into 2010 and early 2011 shows, did any of us actually believe that we would have the opportunity to hear Zooropa live?

Plus in 2010, we got six unreleased songs, the return of HMTMKMKM, the debut of Scarlet, and much more.

This tour has finally found it's footing and it's definitely deserves the honor of most successful and most expensive tour of all time.
I was at Denver and I really loved the set mix. Even Better into Follow was killer and it was nice to finally see a full on performance of AIWIY after seeing the band live 6 times in my life before the Denver show and not seeing this song played in full. Also very cool to see Scarlet played. I never thought I would see anything from October played.
Zooropa was definitely the highlight for me. Song rocks live.
I was at Denver and I really loved the set mix. Even Better into Follow was killer and it was nice to finally see a full on performance of AIWIY after seeing the band live 6 times in my life before the Denver show and not seeing this song played in full. Also very cool to see Scarlet played. I never thought I would see anything from October played.
Zooropa was definitely the highlight for me. Song rocks live.

I think Scarlet only halfway counts. Bono has one word to sing in that song and never quite gets to it.
honestly their set now is fantastic! Sure, its static, but from a purely objective standpoint it is structured really nicely, has different 'phases' and covers a huge career with enough spliced in for casual and diehard fans alike. I mean, sure, I would love to hear a surprise song here and there but overall I think the 360 tour is better now than ever!
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