U2 Promo records are they really collectable?

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War Child
Oct 13, 2001
Western Slope, Colorado
Im sure this will get moved but anyway :)

With all the incredible prices being payed for promos of the Vertigo Single on Ebay it had me wondering Are promos really that collectable ?

I mean about 6 months to a year ago I found a Unforgettable Fire vinyl Promo album. It has this thing thats stamped on the front that says Lent for Promotional Use only . And I payed 5 bucks for it. I have no idea on what pressing it is only that it has Larry and Adam's face on side 1 and Bono and Edge's on side 2.

I was just wondering does the fact that something is marked promo makes it anymore important ?

*PS if anyone can help me trace some info on the UF promo Id appreciate it :)*
Some promos are very collectable, others aren't. Whether something is very valuable depends mostly on rarity and uniqueness. But first, let me point out that everything related to an artist is collectable for somebody. Some might collect U2 T-Shirts, other concert stubs and there are those who like to collect U2 CD's/vinyl.
Those promo records are produced for a specific reason, to promote the artist to various people in the music industry. They are given away to people and not sold in stores. This is already a reason to give those records value, you cannot just buy them. Some of those promos are also availably in only very small quantities (1000 copies or even less). Worldwide. So some people like to give quite a bit of money to own an item that only 999 others possess in the whole world (and those millions of other U2 fans do not). An example of this is The Joshua Tree Collection. This is a promo box with five 7" singles of all the tracks of The Joshua Tree (minus With Or Without You as that one was already released as a single). Only 250 copies exist of this (of which 50 are mispressings which make them even more valuable). As such, the price is very high (around $1300 and even $2250 for the mispressed one), even though you also have all the songs on The Joshua Tree.

Then, there is the uniqueness factor. While promo records often just mimic their commercial counterparts (and have only a promo stamp to distinguish it from the ones you buy in a regular shop), there are those with unique tracks on them or original artwork, not available anywhere else. An example of this is the Excerpts From Rattle And Hum. This promo has 2 tracks from the Rattle And Hum album, but also 3 tracks not on the album or anywhere else on record (but featuring in the movie). Coupled with an attractive packaging this promo goes for around $130.

Now, as for the Vertigo promo, the price of this one is high at the moment as it has just been released. So for many collectors that means a new promo they want to add to their collection. Also, the single hasn't been released yet, so for the moment this is the only place to get it on CD.

C ya!

Great info Marty! I'm jacked that i kept getting outbid on ebay for the vertigo single. I was going to pay $75.00us but i just bought a copy for $23.00!!
Every promo that is new and not many people have got it already is so expensive, not just U2 promos. I often write to the Music Company, and they are kind to send me some promos for free. But unfortuanetly it doesn't work every time :-(
Joslin - near St Peters in the Eastern Suburbs.

I have followed the forum for the last few years but never posted.

Like to say to everyone here - love reading the opinions and getting the downloads on the new album, keep up the good work.
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