U2 on Cold Case last night

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Jun 3, 2005
East Point to Shaolin
I have never watched an episode of Cold Case in my whole life, but when I heard the whole ep was to U2 songs I had to watch. And it was actually really good. I don't know if anoyne caught it, but here's what they played:

Beautiful Day
Window in the Skies
[missing a song here I think]
Stuck in a Moment You Can't Get Out of
Running to Stand Still (!!)
Bad (!)
Somtimes You Can't Make it on Your Own
MLK (!!!)
[missing a song here as well, I think]
With or Without You

RTSS and Bad were really well placed. For those who missed it, it was about these two kids who were into drugs, and they were both killed. The girl's mother was a meth addict, and when the girl went to find her mother and saw her in her meth-induced state, they played Running to Stand Still, which was perfect, as the song offers another view on drug addiction - that if you don't like the world you're living in see it through other eyes - and the mother said "I don't want to feel anything any more". And then they played Bad - another song about drug addiction - when the girl herself took meth. MLK, which was a surprise, was played for contrast. The lyrics, especially the line "and may your dreams be realised" contrasted well with the despair as the camera panned passed all the addicts.


PS - if anyone knows the songs I'm missing (if any) I'd love to know.

PPS - And while I'm here, where can I go to get some info about this whole Instant Karma thing? :reject:
hey cobl i watched it ... u2 songs were great to hear but the episode was a little sappy and the songs used were predictable ,
no you arent missing any songs on your list there, thats the same as what i wrote down.

instant karma, compilation cd to raise money for Dafur, features u2 doing a cover of the beatles instant karma, its pretty good, there is a thread here somewhere about it .
It was a rerun. The episode originally aired not too long after Christmas, I think. Cold Case uses a lot of music in their episodes, and sometimes they'll do one where they use music only from one artist. They did a Springsteen episode awhile back.

It was a good episode, but the U2 songs felt a little forced in places. They don't write the episodes based on the music, so it makes sense that the songs didn't all fit perfectly, but I think I just noticed it more because it was U2.
Saw that first time around too. If you've never rented 'The Devil Wears Prada', Beautiful Day is in the middle of it. It's a cute movie.
MsPurrl said:
I watched it when it was originally on, specifically for the U2 songs, and haven't watched it since. :(

Oh, I'll never watch it again either... just wanted to see the U2 songs. And I agree with BonoIsMyMuse - they songs did feel a little forced apart from RTSS, Bad and MLK which I thought all fit pretty well.
I was watching Click recently and Ultra Violet came on. It was really jarring because I would never associate U2 with a Sandler movie. It also made me want to pause the movie and listen to AB...
COBL_04 - Regarding Instant Karma, I asked at JB but apparently it's only available as an import and that only the Sydney store has it. :( You could buy it through itunes though... besides being U2, it's an incredibly important cause. :)
Cold Case featuring the music of U2

For anyone who hasn't caught this TNT is airing it tonight (well Thursday I suppose) at 2AM Eastern. I've seen it before but I thought it was pretty good.
If it's anything like the Springsteen themed episode I probably will avoid this like the plague :yikes:
What a horrible show.

This, CSI. I don't U2's music has been used on a good show, though "Bad" was almost used for the Season 3 finale of The 4400. I'm glad it wasn't because it would have cheesed it up. I love "Bad", but it would have made all the emotions too overt. The writing and acting had to hold their own.

Anyway, I really hope U2 doesn't sink to this level for the new album. There are lots of bands that get no airplay and need to do this for exposure. I've heard Mogwai on "Sex and the City" and I think "CSI: Miami", though I only caught the latter by a fluke 'cause there was a hot woman or just to laugh at the red-haired guy. I can't say "Sex and the City" is all that good, either.
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