U2 in Sprinfield..... :)

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.

sparkys girl

May 26, 2001
A mosh pit at a U2 concert?! I hope not, of course I did bust a guys nose at the Popmart show in 97, he was inbetween me n' Bono!!


3 Irish Hotties in Springfield USA....

"She is the dreamer, she's imagination..."

it was on the other night! tuesday, to be exact, cause it was one of the only stations not covering the attack. (not that i didn't care, but there is only so much you can take at a time.) i only caught the last 10 minutes, but it was still a pleasant thing to watch.

"if i didn't have my spoons i think i'd go insane..." -adam

"I can't believe the news today,
Oh, I can't close my eyes
And make it go away.
How long...
How long must we sing this song?
How long? How long...
'cause tonight...we can be as one."

Love to all of you,
Originally posted by madonna's child:
it was on the other night! tuesday, to be exact


I used to have it on tape, but I accidentally taped it over (with more U2 stuff, at least!). I want to see it again!

Trust In God...But Lock Your Doors
Originally posted by madonna's child:

"if i didn't have my spoons i think i'd go insane..." -adam

LOL at Adam's quote!

"She is the dreamer, she's imagination..."

I love the Simpsons! I haven't seen that episode in forever though, dang.
Edge: What say we slip out to Moe's for a pint?
Adam: Can I come?
Edge: No.
Adam: Wankers.


Wow, I seem obsessed don't I?
does any of u know whether that episode has been on the BBC yet? (only sender that airs simpson that i can receive.. german senders not counted cos they go blab over the original text which is very annoying)
I have question, here they translate the Simpsons in French, and I saw this episode in French only
I was wondering if they did their own voices in English?

"The goal is elevation"

[This message has been edited by Stafana (edited 09-14-2001).]
I believe they did do the voices for their characters! That was the cutest part..., hope none of you girls thinks I'm a nut, but I have 9 Simpson's only videotapes! Yeah, I am also a huge Simpson's fan, I have this episode somewhere!!

"She is the dreamer, she's imagination..."

! I remember seeing that episode when I didn't really care about U2 (I know! How DARE I. I was young!) and haven't seen it since.
I remember thinking 'who are those weirdos?!" Sorry! Did they do the voices for themselves?

PS Lookit hot cartoon Larry!
PPS Yee-haw! Ride 'em Edgey!


"Heaven on earth -- we need it now" -U2-

"Peace does not mean getting your way.
Your ugliness could be my beauty,
your ugliness could be me."
I never seen the whole simpsons episode but I've been able to download parts (very high quality btw) from the internet (Morpheus, Kazaa, Limewire) and I crack up sooooo bad. If anyone has the whole thing could you please help, the only part I don't have, as far as I know, is the bar, which is hilarious according to the mp3's I heard.
"Hey guys look, I got a Springfield spoon for my spoon collection" (Adam)
Lol, definately the best Simpsons episode, but then again I'm biase.
-Marina B. I.

P.S. this I think is my first post in this forum but I did wanna let you all know you've been cracking me up for a long time.
Originally posted by mbi16:

"Hey guys look, I got a Springfield spoon for my spoon collection" (Adam)

every time someone tells me the spoon story (where the spoon obsession came from?) I forget it 2 mins later. Then I'm at school and I"m like "Remember when Adam...and the spoons...?!" and everyone's all "WHAAAT?" And I can't explain myself. Help!

"Heaven on earth -- we need it now" -U2-

"Peace does not mean getting your way.
Your ugliness could be my beauty,
your ugliness could be me."
I really wonder what is this spoon thing about Adam, lol.

"The goal is elevation"
Hey guys thanks for the welcome.

I don't know where the Adam and the spoon thing started, but I have a feeling it's not just some random joke as I recall bumping into something (article, video, audio) that also talked about that. I mean it's Adam so it's very likely.


P.S. *wondering if she'll ever get to see the bar scene*
Originally posted by mbi16:
-Marina B. I.

P.S. this I think is my first post in this forum but I did wanna let you all know you've been cracking me up for a long time.
Hi Marina....welcome to Pleba, were the COOLppl hang out!!!

"She is the dreamer, she's imagination..."


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