U2 in MOROCCO - New picture + UPDATE

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Sep 18, 2006
Larry Mullen Circle
From U2.com...


In Fez With U2
The U2.Com team have just returned from Fez, Morocco where the band have been songwriting with Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois. Throughout June, we’ll be bringing you some stories from inside the U2 Riad.

Although working with long-time friends and producers Brian Eno and Daniel Lanois, it was a new slant on this relationship. Larry seemed to be enjoying the experience, ‘It’s the first time we’ve worked with Brian and Dan in a purely songwriting capacity,’ he said. ‘So it’s very different, quite experimental and kind of liberating because of that…’

But as far as where these new songs will go - the message is clear - it’s early days and there is no definite plan about where and when this music goes next. “We have no plans for the music yet,” Bono told us. “We’re just going to make it until we can’t not put it out!"
Here's a few pics from the Fes Festival of Sacred Music Jun 2, 2007, I see everyone but Larry.



Sorry they are so huge.

the woman with the earrings on pic 1 looks like queen rania?
lucky girl...being on the vanity fair cover with bono, standing next beside him and maybe a bit spying... :drool:
So I guess Eno isn't pissed about not getting songwriting credits on ATYCLB anymore?

Are they going to give them to him with this stuff should it make it?:hmm:

I'm glad to hear it's more experimental. I have a question though -- has U2.com ever posted studio pics if it's NOT for an album?
Galeongirl said:

:hmm: yes you're right! well she's been seen with Bono for a few events now, so perhaps she was visiting the boys?

Yes, here's one more with Bono in the background

Queen Rania is the wife of King Abdullah of Jordan. Along with being one of the most gorgeous women on the planet, she's considered to be one of the most progressive thinkers in the Middle East. She's of Palestinian descent, educated at the American University in Cairo and worked for Citibank before her marriage. She has a cousin who works for Apple.

Since you have never heard of her, you probably don't know that her husband is the son of King Hussein, who signed a peace treaty with Israel in the 1990s. He died of cancer in 1999 after a long struggle that included months at the Mayo Clinic. Both the king and his son faced death threats for their efforts toward Middle East peace. King Abdullah has been one of the few Arab leaders to keep an open dialogue with Israel despite the violence that has occured since U.S.-led peace negotiations fell apart in 2000.

She was recently in Dublin to receive an award that Bono may have presented, since there were pix of them together. I'm intrigued to see her join forces with Bono, because much of her work until now has been with children, women's groups and with policy issues. I hadn't associated her with African issues, but of course, there's a very close association between Africa and the Middle East.

Things could still go Rubin's way. This could be strictly a songwriting session to get the songs "there" so Rubin could sweep in and quickly record a set of songs that are complete instead of endlessly mucking about in the studio...
Jeannieco said:
^^^ Hey, is the blur behind the beautiful Queen Raina Ali?
It looks like her but blurry...

I was thinking the same thing, Jeannieco. :hi5:

She does resemble Ali. :hug:
LOL, my first thought on seeing Adam in the first pic was a quote from "Pride and Prejudice," (the new one with Keira Knightly). It was when they first saw Mr. Darcy and one of the women said of him "...the one with the quizzical brow." One of my favorite movies....Adam would make a good Mr. Darcy.
Am on dial up for the weekend, so can't wait for the pics to load... great news about the songwriting! I know there's no guarantee, but experimental U2 = :drool:
Would love for Rubin to sweep in and capture them when they're done, too... :hyper:

*smacks self* Must. Not. Raise. Expectations. :|
Thank you bonocomet For posting the photos :D

I do see larry in the frist pic only his head .

Look at edge behind his head you see larrys head.

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