Blue Crack Supplier
Good head
37 guys!
Good head
AAAA, just got 9/30 GAs!
not jealous, not jealous at all
You can't swap GAs unless you're physically there with the personI have two October 8 GA that I'd like to swap for two December 6 GA.
You can't swap GAs unless you're physically there with the person
Unless ya go online and coordinate a sell/ buy through Ticketmaster at the same time, risky but can work
Dummy here. I was able to set up a specific time to buy a ticket someone was selling. You do run the risk of someone else scooping it up in case there’s a random person checking or a weirdo refreshing a page constantly. So, my advice is pick an off-peak time when folks are either working or asleep. As an aside, TM does go down for maintenance in the post midnight hours occasionally.
Dummy here. I was able to set up a specific time to buy a ticket someone was selling. You do run the risk of someone else scooping it up in case there’s a random person checking or a weirdo refreshing a page constantly. So, my advice is pick an off-peak time when folks are either working or asleep. As an aside, TM does go down for maintenance in the post midnight hours occasionally.
Did the same thing for 10/7 GA tix from Miroslava via ticketbastard - once the tickets were listed on her end it took only a min or 2 for them to show up and i got them. Obviously we planned the timing in advance. It is a risk, but as long as you’re pounding the refresh button statistically the odds should be in your favor.
Thanks for the responses!
I would prefer not to miss out on GA but now I can't go on 10/8. If someone has 12/6 GA they're interested in trading for 10/8, I'd be OK with putting mine up first, and if it doesn't work out, then I just won't have any tix (and I guess maybe a reseller will have scooped up mine, but at least I'll have tried to avoid that).
Please send me a private message if you're interested.
The secondary market for GAs has been fairly non-existent.So overall -- did U2 do right by the fans by doing it this way? Did it kill scalpers game or not really?
They just can’t fuck up the fanclub presale again.
And if he screws you over I'll just ban him