Blue Crack Supplier
Perhaps with a better lead actor it would do more for me, I don't know.
And the film is really crazy, as Shouter seems to find so much comedy in it though its his style to amplify his own opinions by several orders of magnitude, but he's not too far off. It's really a one of a kind beast.
Thanks for letting me know that the last time I watched the film, I apparently wasn't with several of my friends as they drank beer, we ate pizza, and we all laughed at its showy racism and absurd/strained poeticism for the entire running time. I believe that we had previously watched Showgirls and, the week after Brade Runna, we continued the series with the director's cut of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves...which should paint a pretty vivid picture of just how hilarious I indeed find the film. I may be several orders of magnitude removed from your own opinions, which all the same seem at least to run parallel to my own, but don't tell me what I do or don't feel.
Thanks for letting me know that the last time I watched the film, I apparently wasn't with several of my friends as they drank beer, we ate pizza, and we all laughed at its showy racism and absurd/strained poeticism for the entire running time. I believe that we had previously watched Showgirls and, the week after Brade Runna, we continued the series with the director's cut of Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves...which should paint a pretty vivid picture of just how hilarious I indeed find the film. I may be several orders of magnitude removed from your own opinions, which all the same seem at least to run parallel to my own, but don't tell me what I do or don't feel.
Well, there were only four people there. Myself included. But that's a fair enough point.
Shouter, you are at 4,444 posts!
That's insanity!
1. Akira (Katsuhiro Otomo, 1988)
10 totally bitchin' teen-titty movies from the eighties. (The only movies from that decade I'm familiar with and have intently studied)
Fast Times At Ridgemont High (82) Heckerling
The Last American Virgin (82) Davidson
Valley Girl (83) Coolidge
Spring Break (83) Cunningham
Hardbodies (84) Mark Griffiths
Hot Moves (84) Sotos
Private Resort (85) Bowers
Private School (83) Black
Revenge of the Nerds (84) Kanew
Just one of the Guys (85) Gottlieg