Those mesages at the end of a post

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The Fly
May 18, 2005
The Light
:D :wave: :D :wave: :D :wave:

Thanks for all the help with Vbpad

Now what about all the extras I see at the bottom of posts, eg, some people paste in a quote or picture here , sorta like a post script at the end of a letter.

How do I do this...thnx
those are called signatures. they're only available for premium members. but if you were a premium member, you would just go to your control panel and create/change your sig there. :)
:hyper: :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

Thanks for the info

We'll that settles it I am going to spend the 12 bucks for membership, you get a lot of neat stuff / access so wy not

thanks again
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