Thinking Of Trying out online dating

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Blue Crack Addict
Jul 4, 2002
In the wrong band
Ok, tis not really a confession of sorts.

But....Basically as the topic would suggest. I've been thinking about it for the last couple of days, and thought maybe I'll give it a go!

Obviously I'm not looking for something all that serious....its more like getting to meet a new people and see what happens after that.

Has anyone else done this, and if so what was your experiences?
Why, yes...yes, I have...

Granted, I've had good experiences as well...but that was definitely one of the worst experiences.

That kind of stuff can happen with people you meet in real life too though, so I don't really know if you can necessarily blame the internet. The reason I'd gotten into his car was because I was afraid of insulting him by saying I wanted to drive myself in my own car, as if I didn't trust him. But, really, I had no reason to trust him yet...and it turns out I shouldn't have trusted him. You have to be smart and cautious with people regardless of how you meet. Lesson learned.
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Well, not really....but theres been slight progress. I let someone know that I was interested, and the auto response I got back was "this user is interested and looking forward to receiving your e-mail soon"

So I'm going to send an e-mail. Thought I have no blooming Idea of what to write. give her my e-mail addy? (she can respond to my e-mail without it), my phone number?....ask her if she'd like to met like or something (or is that too soon!?)

The site also has an Instant messaging service (like Msn or AOL)....I could see if she'd like to use that. I just don't generally write good e-mails to people i've never met :wink:
I think an email address would be fine, but I'd hold off on the number or asking her out...that just seems a little too fast. Just elaborate a little more about yourself...but make sure to ask about her as well, and tell her why she appealed to you. Um, as long as your answer isn't just, "You're hot," or something. :wink:
Only yesterday, I journaled about my new on-line's my new friend....


Why did she want my credit card???? :shrug:
Mr. BAW said:
Only yesterday, I journaled about my new on-line's my new friend....


Why did she want my credit card???? :shrug:

no offence or anything but im not sure thats a women ..........



I would try online dating when im late 30's but being still in my teens i think i will pass :wink:

My grandad was gonna try online dating to meet a " lady friend " but he bottled out, he hates being alone:( .
They ain't no child-barin' hips, Mr Baw! :tsk:

b_m, maybe ask her for a lunch first. It's less intimidating for a prospective datee, and you can do something more casual, and then extend it to an activity for the afternoon, like a gallery or the zoo or something. Or youse can finish up early if it doesn't gel.

good luck :)
All is well so far.

She made the call to add me over yeah.
I think i'll wait a little bit longer and i'll see if she wants to meet up.

Well it was Shrek 3 , or Oceans 13......(what is it with the "third" movie coming out this year?).....and the time we picked suited Shrek 3....:shrug:
I'm trying online dating because I work odd hours so its hard for me to go out and meet someone. So far, I've met a few duds, but I'm still giving it a try. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that when I go to grad school this fall that I will meet someone there.
Well it all appeard to go well...Shrek 3 wasn't that bad either :wink:

Anywho we sat and talked at the coffee place for over two hours...sure there was some silences...(isnt that expected when you've only just physically met someone?)....but for the most part it was great... put it this way....we both didn't realize that we'd been in there for two hours...

We both agreed to meet up a its just a matter of organizing a second date! :D
Update: :D

Well we met up again yesterday....we did a little bit of shopping, I had to buy a card and a CD for a birthday i was going too...and she had to get a card for one of her friends also.

Then we went to see Transformers time it has to be a girls movie I said though, since Transformers was totally a guy movie :lol:.....

Next Saturday we are having a scrubs marathon!
Honestly, one will get a better read on a person if they meet them initially in the real world as opposed to online. The old fashioned is still the best way. There's no hiding underneath a keyboard. Meeting someone through introduction is, obviously, the best way. But, sometimes we don't have that luxury.
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