the zoo tv sydney date thing

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Rock n' Roll Doggie VIP PASS
Aug 16, 2001
the ether
does anyone else remember discussion of this way back when on wire?

during the sydney video a date, i believe it was sometime in 1998 flashes on screen, within a barrage of numbers.

was it ever solved?
i remember someone postulating that the date flashed was very close to when popmart returned to australia, bear in mind the zoo tv show occured about 5 years before popmart ever got to australia. i think that's the best anyone could do.

i will now stop my crazy talk.

november 12th 1955
Can't answer your question, but I did just watch the video again in its entirety over the weekend. I love that show sooooo much. If I could go back in time and do one thing over again, it might be to relive ZooTV at Madison Square Garden. I laughed, I cried, I nearly wet myself.

Okay, enough confessions for one day.
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