the week just keeps getting better....

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Rock n' Roll Doggie
Jun 4, 2001
Hotter 'n' hell Texas: Dallas
VERY sad right now...on top of all the mess from Tuesday's tragedy, I just got a call from my mom that my aunt died.

This has just not been a good week...

O no!! Discoooooooooo

"I know that this is not goodbye"

*feeble attempt at comfort*

Hey I'm tryin my best. Well I know nothing can bring her back, but we love you!! Spend time with your fam and friends. Watch the Stuck video! We need a PLEBA grief counseler hotline thing.

*prayers for Disco's family*

"Heaven on earth -- we need it now" -U2-

"Peace does not mean getting your way.
Your ugliness could be my beauty,
your ugliness could be me."
Disco--I'm so sorry to hear this! How are you doing??

Make Love!
Not War
THANKS girls for everything...I'm feeling...vaguely NUMB, this whole week has me feeling very out of sorts, you know? Unfort. my family is up in Wisconsin, so I am *not* going up there for the funeral, which is tomorrow. Too expensive and too short of notice. I hate that.

This aunt of mine never married, and never had any children, so of course she lavished herself on us, her neices and nephews (sewed us clothes, brought over donuts, rubbed our backs will we went to sleep, etc.). She was also the family historian, forever taking pictures of EVERYTHING...I can't recall a single childhood memory without my aunt's flash camera going off, and her popping those big blue flash bulbs out of her camera after each picture...I was always fascinated by those lumpy glass things...I can still remember the 'smell' of them too...

I'll miss her...thanks y'all...

I'm very sorry to hear that.

Take comfort in friends and family around you though. *hug*

Trust In God...But Lock Your Doors
I'm sorry for you loss. She sounds like a great person. Just try to spend as much time as you can w/ you family and loved ones. Things will get better Disco.
Oh Disco..
I hardly know you yet because I'm new here...
But I feel your pain..
I'm sooo thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...
Wow...she sounded like a great aunt to have..
Hold on to the wonderful memories that you have of sounds like she's given you alot of those....
Hugs and many smooches out to you...
Love Rani
I'm so sorry that you had to suffer a personal loss.....your aunt sounded wonderful keep her alive in your memories....

I'm a little late with my condolences but I've not really been on here much this week.....I can't seem to pull myself away from the t.v. when I come home from work...

I've got to give myself a break tonight, I'm beginning to feel overwhelmed...
I'm very sorry, it's very sad news, my thoughts go to you and your family.

"The goal is elevation"
sorry about your loss Disco...Not only was Tuesday a complete shock, but Wed,also, brought some tragic of the Case Managers at the Mental health center was killed in a car accident. the thing is, his car was hit by a concrete truck. On 6/11/01 my friend's 16 yr old son was killed in a car accident - also hit by a concrete truck. Eerie.

So...I just wonder what the hell could happen next.
Originally posted by iamshazza:
sorry about your loss Disco...Not only was Tuesday a complete shock, but Wed,also, brought some tragic of the Case Managers at the Mental health center was killed in a car accident. the thing is, his car was hit by a concrete truck. On 6/11/01 my friend's 16 yr old son was killed in a car accident - also hit by a concrete truck. Eerie.

So...I just wonder what the hell could happen next.

*hugggggggggggss* to all

that's pretty creepy and really sad

but *hugs*

"Heaven on earth -- we need it now" -U2-

"Peace does not mean getting your way.
Your ugliness could be my beauty,
your ugliness could be me."
Oh Disco! I'm so sorry!
Are you ok? I don't know what to say. I wish I could make it better, but nobody can. I really hope that this time will go as well as it can for you. You are in my thoughts, lots of hugs...
I'm so sorry Disco.

~*Everybody's talkin' about POP Musik!*~

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This has been a terrible week of tragedy. My sister- in -law, a teacher of emotionally disturbed children, saw a deadly car accident happen right in front of her the afternoon after the bombings.

Disco, I had an aunt just like yours. I'm sorry.
Just wanted to drop in to say hi again. I hope you're doing ok!!!!


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Not War
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