Bland? She's distinctive, and an artist. Her style is truly unique, and didn't impersonate any other artist for her performances the way every other competitor did. She completely reworked the songs she chose to do instead of being designed by her coach. She took his advice on performing and winning the audience but he let her drive the creative decisions. let's just be happy that someone who was actually doing something new on a talent competition has a chance for (and has already found some) success. I'm really interested where her music will go from here, thus far these qualities have shown up on the Voice and on the covers she's posted to YouTube, but her band was very high school girl power rocker, fun but nothing we haven't seen before. I'm wondering if that was more driven by her sister, or merely what she was into at the time. That said, I haven't heard their most recent album they released since being dropped by Warners.
Vicci is the one who surprised me the most though, her previous work is very folksy/singer-songwriter style and she blew the crowd away with her rocker performances. I'm hoping she breaks through as well.
Javier is the kind of artist who is just set up to win popularity contests, a big range, a bright style and flourishy with runs all over. Using those aspects with restraint and hitting them at all the right points is not his strength yet. We also have to see where his songwriting will go from here as his recording career languished after his debut.
I'm hoping all of them don't record material forced upon them by producers the way most talent competitors do, especially when all of them (with the exception of Beverly who I haven't heard any original material from) have stronger material than the bland 'original' stuff they made them sing this week.