The Unforgettable Fire's "Day After Thanksgiving Bash"

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Headache in a Suitcase

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Staff member
Jul 16, 2000
Opinions are my own.

come one... come all... come out to flannery's irish pub in the chelsea district of manhattan for yet another great performance by the u2 tribute band, the unforgettable fire. if ya haven't seen 'em yet, you're missing out. you will NOT be disapointed.

Who:The Unforgettable Fire
What:THE U2 Tribute Band
When:Friday, November 28th. 10:00pm
Where:Flannery's Irish Pub. 205 W.14th Street (corner of 14th & 7th), New York, NY 10011
14th Street Station on the 1,2,3 line stops right across the street from Flannery's


Why:Why the hell not?!?! What else could you possiably be doing? :wink: Not to mention the fact that it's 3 days after my brithday :drunk:

for more info...
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C'mon NY''re in for an awesome show....



Yeah old pics I know....I'll have new ones Saturday....
who's the asshole with the guinness? :wink:

i had to run out of there right after the show ended... caught a cab, hit penn right in time to catch the train, got home, had a nice solid 2 1/2 hours of sleep, then i had to get friggin up again for practice... which brings up what may be the only good thing about coaching as opposed to playing... being able to function on 2 hours of sleep, with the aide of some coffee, that is. that said, i can't wait for the friggin summer when i can stay out till the sun comes up again without having to worry about gettin' up on a saturday.
Headache in a Suitcase said:
who's the asshole with the guinness? :wink:

Dunno....found him wandering around the bar lookin lost...*shrugs* :laugh:

Another great night at Flannerys...
Hurry and post some pics!
argh! I always seem to end up out of town when they play. blah. headache -- you should really join the U2NYC Yahoo board and post those pics there as well. we have folders you can throw them in or make your own.
Just joined last night....kept gettin an error msg when I tried to get into the pics....
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