Breakdancing Soul Pilgrim
Probably. Him and his goddamn arsenal of STDs.
the rockin edge said:prolly NSW doing that to ya beav.
UberBeaver said:I think if NSW and I met it would just turn into a big geek fest. Any appeal we may had had before would flushed down the shitter. Primarily because NSW is such of stupid fucking fuck. GFY.
No spoken words said:
Beav's right. We'd talk about the Transformers and Voltron and video games we used to like...then we'd talk about the college we both graduated from....then I'd realize that Beav is a fucking douche bag, then we'd talk about interference, then I'd puke because Beav makes me physically ill, then we'd talk about the Islanders, and then I'd probably invite strangers to take a swing at Beav, and then we'd talk about the best place to get pizza in the greater NY-metro area, and then I'd give Beav's cat 50 dollars to finish the job and then Beav and I would see if the Crazy Train made a stop that day so we could laugh and laugh and laugh and feel better about ourselves. Sound like fun, Beav? Fuck you either way.
UberBeaver said:
Actually I'd probably piss on your face right after the Voltron talk (which is on every morning @ like 5:30 on Cartoon network, FYI - it's awesome.) Then after you puked I'd slam your face into it and tell you eat it cause you're that pathetic. Then after we lamented the Islanders I'd throw my beer on you and walk out bitching about how fucking stupid you are. Then I'd come back, wounded from a cat attack but $50 richer, for a Crazy Train check. Then I'd tell you to GFY and get on a train home and txt you to STFU. Douche prick fuck. STFU.
UberBeaver said:All right, fair enough. I'll try, but i can't promise it. It's like a Tourette's reaction when I see your name.
Now I'm off to bed. I got to kick this ST.......cold.
LarryMullen's_POPAngel said:Hey people, it's 8 and I am still in possession of my phone - you all phail.
Random thought: I want to be in the same room when/if nsw and Beav ever meet.
UberBeaver said:
Then keep him and his goddamn rock and roll in your 3rd of the bar. We're tired of Bare Naked Ladies music over here. "It's been one week since I STFU." GAH!
snowbunny00774 said:
yeah - I'm drunk and with my phone
I got to text greetings from one to the other...I believe it went something like "GFY"
No spoken words said:Hail hail.
snowbunny00774 said:
I'm assuming you're reffering to me, and not golf ball sized rain?
snowbunny00774 said:you should check cable drea
No spoken words said:
Could you be more self-centered?!?!?!
Yes, was actually referring to you.
redkat said:I'd take away your phones but that wouldn't be as entertaining
I keep forgetting what I was going to do so I come back here like it's my default setting or something
Drea said:
On other words, you were asking me whether I thought the weather guy's hot? Next time I get the chance I'll check Late news or evening?
snowbunny00774 said:
gift for you and beav find it