The Prestige is now on DVD

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Christian Bale is AWESOME.

And nice to look at, too.

I can't wait to watch this movie. Two hours of looking at Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman and David Bowie?

Yes, please.
Christian Bale is definitely one of my favorite actors.

The Prestige
Batman Begins
American Psycho

Snowlock said:

And on a much higher intellectual plane than RV :rolleyes:

This whole thing is stupid and had the Dalton actually comprehended my post (something about things flying over people's heads fits in here somewhere) he would have noticed that my listing RV was more than anything else an indictment of 2006 rather than praise for that movie which I believe I double stated in the same line that I only liked in certain parts.

The Swayze is just on a higher plane than everyone else, we just have to learn to deal with it.

Christian Bale is a badass, he was even in the Shaft remake!

I cannot, repeat cannot, wait until The Dark Knight in '08.
LemonMacPhisto said:

I cannot, repeat cannot, wait until The Dark Knight in '08.

Oh god, me either. Nolan has done nothing but improve as a film-maker, and The Dark Knight is going to be incredible.

Heath Ledger is The Joker :drool:

Aaron Eckhart is Harvey Dent. :drool::drool:
I was pulling for Liev Schreiber, but after seeing Thank You for Smoking, I knew Aaron Eckhart would be the best.

How about the rumors of Maggie Gyllenhaal replacing Katie Holmes, Philip Seymour Hoffman as Oswald Cobblepot (aka The Penguin), and Rachel McAdams as Selina Kyle (aka Catwoman)?
Not so sure about Maggie, though she'd still be better than Katie Holms. I'd rather they just wrote her character out of the script right off the bat anyway.

Rachel McAdams is a great choice for Selina. GREAT.

And Hoffman would be perrrrfect for the role of The Penguin.
I don't think Katie Holmes' character would have much purpose after the 1st one, unless it's the predictable "Joker kills her" plotline.

I was reading that The Penguin wouldn't be that feasible with the type of movie they're working on, it would focus mainly on Batman, The Joker, and Two-Face for sure.

McAdams as Selina would be perfect for me, that's one of the best Batman characters too.
hey guys, isnt it just typical that a woman would like to watch a movie just to drool over the male actors?
i dont know. this doesnt sound like its the plot, editing etc. that make her excited:

corianderstem said:

I can't wait to watch this movie. Two hours of looking at Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman and David Bowie?

Yes, please.
LemonMacPhisto said:
I don't think Katie Holmes' character would have much purpose after the 1st one, unless it's the predictable "Joker kills her" plotline.

I was reading that The Penguin wouldn't be that feasible with the type of movie they're working on, it would focus mainly on Batman, The Joker, and Two-Face for sure.

McAdams as Selina would be perfect for me, that's one of the best Batman characters too.

You know, I read somewhere that Nolan confirmed The Penguin wouldn't appear in this film at all. And I believe that we won't actually see Two-Face appear until the third film, or more likely in the final scenes of The Dark Knight. I think Nolan's likely to make Dent just the most genuine likable character he can possibly be throughout this film, and have the only real villain be The Joker. And throughout the film we'd just see glimspes of Dent's conflicted nature start to emerge. Then after he's injurred, Two-Face will really come to exist and become the true tortured villain of Batman III. At least, that's how I'd expect things to work. :wink:

I honestly don't see Nolan pulling a Spiderman III on us and intruducing 3 new villains in one film. At least I hope it doesnt' happen. It works for Raimi's films, but I don't think it's the right approach for Nolan. Let's just keep it to The Joker and Harvey Dent for now. Then in the third film we'll deal with Two-Face and maybe a new character like Selina or Oswald.
LemonMacPhisto said:
I don't think Katie Holmes' character would have much purpose after the 1st one, unless it's the predictable "Joker kills her" plotline.

Do NOT call Tom Cruise a 'joker'. The Scientologists will get you.

BTW - I'm a huge Christian Bale fan. All I'm saying is that:

Bale = Amazing Actor and
Bale = Terrible Interview
Lancemc said:

You know, I read somewhere that Nolan confirmed The Penguin wouldn't appear in this film at all. And I believe that we won't actually see Two-Face appear until the third film, or more likely in the final scenes of The Dark Knight. I think Nolan's likely to make Dent just the most genuine likable character he can possibly be throughout this film, and have the only real villain be The Joker. And throughout the film we'd just see glimspes of Dent's conflicted nature start to emerge. Then after he's injurred, Two-Face will really come to exist and become the true tortured villain of Batman III. At least, that's how I'd expect things to work. :wink:

I honestly don't see Nolan pulling a Spiderman III on us and intruducing 3 new villains in one film. At least I hope it doesnt' happen. It works for Raimi's films, but I don't think it's the right approach for Nolan. Let's just keep it to The Joker and Harvey Dent for now. Then in the third film we'll deal with Two-Face and maybe a new character like Selina or Oswald.

I was thinking the same thing :up:

As long as there's never, ever a Robin, I'm totally cool.
I downloaded this movie and we watched it today. It reminded me of Sixth Sense in that of course I picked up on ALL of the clues the second time around.
corianderstem said:
Stop trying to bait me, U2Man! :madspit:

I'm actually interested in the plot as well. I promise.

David Bowie doesn't sing with muppets this time around.

Dalton said:

No mate, I understood completely. It is just much more entertaining for me to stand in judgement over your ignorance.

So in the end, I've been amused.

No, ah, mate, what you're doing is trolling me. Grow up. If you're that bored, go outside and try to find a life.
good movie,
my only complaint is that it was much too didn't have a crazy twist as i was hoping for. there so called twist was much too obvious since the start.
regardless, i liked nolan's style and bale & jackman were great in it.
Illusionist was much better , the whole 'clones' story is not that believable or interesting
but as always Cristian Bale proves he's the best actor right now
WinnieThePoo said:
Illusionist was much better , the whole 'clones' story is not that believable or interesting
but as always Cristian Bale proves he's the best actor right now

I had the illusionist figured in the first 15 minutes. I thought it was good, but I don't think it even compared with The Prestige.
Snowlock said:

It must really be a problem for you... small penis syndrome. I bet you drive a big SUV.

Wow. A small penis blast over the internet. Not exactly a "what would jesus do" moment, heh?

Clearly you've been pushed too far. For that I apologize. I hate to be the cause of a boy losing his faith.

BTW - my cars are eco-friendly. That's how I roll (quite literally in this case).
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