May 15, 2007 #61 P pgv ONE love, blood, life Joined Jan 21, 2006 Messages 12,979 True! Even though I'm vegetarian .. TPBM secretly loves David Hasslehoff
May 15, 2007 #62 OP OP S SpiritofLilght The Fly Joined May 10, 2007 Messages 79 Location West Coast False, I did like his car on NightRider tho tpbm has an ambition to be a star at something
May 15, 2007 #63 music.u2 War Child Joined Apr 8, 2007 Messages 564 Location Belfast, Ireland True ( but I don't know what ) tpbm wishes the weekend would start a day or two earlier
May 15, 2007 #64 L lil_witch The Fly Joined Dec 4, 2006 Messages 204 Location Milan, sexy people XD TRUE!! of course I do! (considered that I go to school on Saturdays too ) TPBM has been to Italy
May 15, 2007 #65 OP OP S SpiritofLilght The Fly Joined May 10, 2007 Messages 79 Location West Coast music.u2 said: True ( but I don't know what ) tpbm wishes the weekend would start a day or two earlier Click to expand... and that's the key I suppose to life, discovering what it is that we're really good at
music.u2 said: True ( but I don't know what ) tpbm wishes the weekend would start a day or two earlier Click to expand... and that's the key I suppose to life, discovering what it is that we're really good at
May 15, 2007 #66 OP OP S SpiritofLilght The Fly Joined May 10, 2007 Messages 79 Location West Coast lil_witch said: TRUE!! of course I do! (considered that I go to school on Saturdays too ) TPBM has been to Italy Click to expand... False, but I plan to tpbm has been to Asia
lil_witch said: TRUE!! of course I do! (considered that I go to school on Saturdays too ) TPBM has been to Italy Click to expand... False, but I plan to tpbm has been to Asia
May 15, 2007 #67 UberBeaver Breakdancing Soul Pilgrim Joined Sep 23, 2005 Messages 20,318 Location the most serious...douch hammer ever False TPBM rocks like a hurricane!
May 15, 2007 #68 OP OP S SpiritofLilght The Fly Joined May 10, 2007 Messages 79 Location West Coast True, and I shake like a quake too tpbm loves playing with words and innuendos
May 15, 2007 #69 RavenBlue Blue Crack Addict Joined Jul 19, 2005 Messages 17,103 Location The majestic Canuckian wilderness True.wink wink nudge nudge know what I mean know what I mean TPBM had a bad dream last night
May 15, 2007 #70 OP OP S SpiritofLilght The Fly Joined May 10, 2007 Messages 79 Location West Coast False, I only have Good Dreams tpbm likes to be pleasantly surprised
May 15, 2007 #71 snowbunny00774 ONE love, blood, life Joined Nov 22, 2004 Messages 12,318 Location earth true tpbm likes to spoon
May 15, 2007 #72 Lila64 Blue Crack Distributor Joined Mar 28, 2005 Messages 52,886 Location ♥Set List Lane♥ TPBM likes to drink like a fish
May 15, 2007 #73 snowbunny00774 ONE love, blood, life Joined Nov 22, 2004 Messages 12,318 Location earth you got something against fish? always hate'n on the fish tpbm is a cool mom
May 15, 2007 #74 L Lally1011 The Fly Joined May 4, 2005 Messages 272 false. I'm the Daddy. TPBM is has been arrested.
May 15, 2007 #75 snowbunny00774 ONE love, blood, life Joined Nov 22, 2004 Messages 12,318 Location earth false :todate: tpbm is someone else i've never seen post here b4
May 15, 2007 #76 Thora Blue Crack Supplier Joined Jun 17, 2005 Messages 34,109 Location Wishing I was on the beach False tpbm likes to use lots of smileys in their posts
May 15, 2007 #77 Lila64 Blue Crack Distributor Joined Mar 28, 2005 Messages 52,886 Location ♥Set List Lane♥ TRUE (was this directed at me? ) TPBM likes fish
May 15, 2007 #78 OP OP S SpiritofLilght The Fly Joined May 10, 2007 Messages 79 Location West Coast True, I love fish, especially Halibut, Fresh Trout and Salmon, Tilapia and others tpbm has caught a fish and cooked right there on the spot
True, I love fish, especially Halibut, Fresh Trout and Salmon, Tilapia and others tpbm has caught a fish and cooked right there on the spot
May 15, 2007 #79 Lila64 Blue Crack Distributor Joined Mar 28, 2005 Messages 52,886 Location ♥Set List Lane♥ FALSE (never fished in my life, no desire to either) tpbm has a pierced bodypart
May 15, 2007 #80 snowbunny00774 ONE love, blood, life Joined Nov 22, 2004 Messages 12,318 Location earth true tpbm has a tattoo
May 15, 2007 #81 Lila64 Blue Crack Distributor Joined Mar 28, 2005 Messages 52,886 Location ♥Set List Lane♥ False tpbm has a tattoo
May 15, 2007 #82 Thora Blue Crack Supplier Joined Jun 17, 2005 Messages 34,109 Location Wishing I was on the beach False (and my previous one wasn't directed at you! ) tpbm wears glasses or contacts
May 15, 2007 #83 snowbunny00774 ONE love, blood, life Joined Nov 22, 2004 Messages 12,318 Location earth true, glasses tpbm got bloody soaked tonight
May 16, 2007 #84 P pgv ONE love, blood, life Joined Jan 21, 2006 Messages 12,979 True! Walked home after school without a coat.. bad idea. TPBM has dyed their hair recently
May 16, 2007 #85 L lil_witch The Fly Joined Dec 4, 2006 Messages 204 Location Milan, sexy people XD True..purple TPBM still goes to school
May 16, 2007 #86 snowbunny00774 ONE love, blood, life Joined Nov 22, 2004 Messages 12,318 Location earth false tpbm has been to ireland
May 16, 2007 #87 LarryMullen's POPAngel Blue Crack Distributor Joined Jun 21, 2001 Messages 53,698 Location I'll be up with the sun, I'm not coming down... False TPBM hasn't had their morning coffee already.
May 16, 2007 #88 UberBeaver Breakdancing Soul Pilgrim Joined Sep 23, 2005 Messages 20,318 Location the most serious...douch hammer ever False, sorta. I've had 2 of the 3 requiste cups. TPBM keep thinking this thread is "The Person Blows Me."
False, sorta. I've had 2 of the 3 requiste cups. TPBM keep thinking this thread is "The Person Blows Me."
May 16, 2007 #89 LarryMullen's POPAngel Blue Crack Distributor Joined Jun 21, 2001 Messages 53,698 Location I'll be up with the sun, I'm not coming down... TPBM is thinking about their weekend plans.
May 16, 2007 #90 snowbunny00774 ONE love, blood, life Joined Nov 22, 2004 Messages 12,318 Location earth true tpbm is thinking about their phone.