The National

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I've listened to Bloodbuzz Ohio and the live versions of Terrible Love and The Runaway since both were of high quality. However, I'm holding out for the rest and not watching the low quality live videos spreading on YouTube.

Seconded. YouTube videos don't interest me at all, and I'd hate for my opinions on the songs to be swayed by seeing grainy video and hearing distorted audio. Nobody wants to suffer from the same In Rainbows syndrome that plagued a few around here.

It's the same reason that reading about Thom Yorke debuting a new song at the Atoms for Peace show last night can make me excited at the prospect of new Radiohead material but not want to watch the YouTube clip. I'm not a fan of my relationship with a song starting that way.
^ I agree also, one band YoutTube does not do justice is The National, their live videos always seem weak and boring, but having seen the band live I know how incredible their songs translate live! Even BloodBuzz Ohio when I checked it out on a dodgy live video I thought the song was pretty weak, but now hearing the studio version the songs is brilliant, I can't stop listening to it!!! I'll wait the four weeks and five days till High Violet is released, I find when albums leak and you give into temptation and download them, alot of the excitement is lost, your looking at a file on a computer instead of an actual CD with artwork, maybe I'm just old fashioned that way, but I like making my way down to the record shop when the album is released and checking out the artwork whilst listening to it.
Ideally, all new releases would be given that treatment. But the ease of having something you anticipate so much a literal click away can sometimes be overwhelming. I've done a good job on staying away from leaks in 2010, sort of my musical New Year's resolution out of respect for the artist and my true listening experience. Holding out isn't particularly difficult, but if High Violet were to hit the interwebs today, it would be extremely tough for me to not listen. It's my most anticipated album of the past few years, though, so maybe it's a special case.

In any case, the LP is going to be at my door the day of release or possibly earlier. The plan is to have that be my first listening experience (extremely rewarding for recent albums like Embyonic and The Golden Archipelago). Each day the album doesn't leak makes that a more likely prospect.
i agree with everything said on this page. i would also say that the Beach Clips ruined "Magnificent" for me.
maybe I'm just old fashioned that way, but I like making my way down to the record shop when the album is released and checking out the artwork whilst listening to it.


The Beach Clips ruined beaches and clips for me.
Ideally, all new releases would be given that treatment. But the ease of having something you anticipate so much a literal click away can sometimes be overwhelming. I've done a good job on staying away from leaks in 2010, sort of my musical New Year's resolution out of respect for the artist and my true listening experience. Holding out isn't particularly difficult, but if High Violet were to hit the interwebs today, it would be extremely tough for me to not listen. It's my most anticipated album of the past few years, though, so maybe it's a special case.

In any case, the LP is going to be at my door the day of release or possibly earlier. The plan is to have that be my first listening experience (extremely rewarding for recent albums like Embyonic and The Golden Archipelago). Each day the album doesn't leak makes that a more likely prospect.

Resisting is very tough alright, especially when you know its a click away as you said, but in the end I always think its worth it, NLOTH leaking took away alott from it for me! I was really looking forward to it then one day out of the blue boom its there, I'm not anti-downloading but I just think its not the same as having the physical album, I'm done with it anyway, if High Violet leaks later today I'm still gonna wait for the album, same with checking set lists, checking them ruins gigs!!!


The Beach Clips ruined beaches and clips for me.

Lmao :lol:.
I've already seen the Big Ears setlist, so I kind of assume that's what they're playing most of the tour. Good news: 20 songs.
Oh yeah, I just figured I'd pass that along since it wasn't anything that would spoil it for you.

Yeah, if he knew they were just playing Fake Empire and following that with 19 songs drawn from Mariah Carey's Glitter, Lady of Rage's Necessary Roughness, and Hotel California in its entirety, that might harsh the buzz some.

The B-Side to the Bloodbuzz Ohio single called Sin-Eaters has leaked. You can check the usual places (*cough, atease, cough*) to get it. And it follows the usual National B-Side standard for being pretty great!
yep. it's a good tune. someone from Atease that has heard the album says that he's glad it's a b-side though. it supposedly doesn't even compare to the rest of the album.
yep. it's a good tune. someone from Atease that has heard the album says that he's glad it's a b-side though. it supposedly doesn't even compare to the rest of the album.

The same guy calls High Violet record of the year, a masterpiece. Blah blah blah. We'll see. :hmm:
I'm going to devote much more time listening to The National than to the other two because A) The National is probably the best band out there at the moment and B) I'm seeing them live in early June.
I personally find The National the vastly superior band of the three mentioned, so I would very much like this to be leaked. Now. Thanks.
Not going to listen to the track on Pitchfork. Waiting for the whole thing to leak. :drool:
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