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Make sure not to forget Sad Songs for Dirty Lovers in that equation. Probably after you've listened to the other two, though.

I like that one better than Boxer. Available is probably my favourite National track. Certainly the most rocking (not that there's much competition in that department).

It probably has the best example of those crazy and totally unexpected Black Francis-like vocals that Berninger suddenly bowls out here and there. I mean, Abel is great, but the intensity of those "Why do you dress me down?" almost matches some of Pixies' best moments. Blasphemous, I know, but damn.
YES! And, that's exactly why I recommended it. Matt's fucking screams.


Nothing else in their repertoire even comes close to the rawness of those moments on Sad Songs.
Fuck yes. Slipping Husband would be my 2nd favourite track on Sad Songs. Truly underrated record.
completely agree about Sad Songs. i'd say my faves are Thirsty and Patterns of Fairytales. all in all great album!
I'm still mostly partial to "Lucky You" as my favorite (because of the vividness of the lyrics and thus, the situation/feelings being described), but fuck, the whole album's clearly fantastic.
Yeah, Lucky You and About Today pretty much ruled my world for a year or so a number of years back. I'm really glad they threw versions of both of those on The Virginia EP, as they deserved more exposure. :up:
That whole Cherry Tree EP is amazing stuff (well, I'm not a big fan of that last track anyway). About Today, Cherry Tree and All Dolled-Up in Straps are all some of their best work.

Come to think of it, I actually prefer the Sad Songs/Cherry Tree combo than the much more famous Alligator/Boxer one. Not to say the latter is not excellent, I appreciate the variety this band has already offered us.
Alright, gang. Here's some cool info:


Get your order in here, if you're so inclined. The deluxe versions will also be available at some indie retailers, a list of which can be found here. To make sure I managed to get the limited deluxe LP, I went ahead and put my order in with Beggars. Came out to $19.30 including shipping after using a coupon code. Nice.
Nothing in the way of bonus tracks, just cooler packaging. It makes more of a difference for the vinyl than the CD, I'm sure, but it's cool to have (although I don't have a clue what foil stamping means). And considering there isn't a retailer listed for State College, you'd do well to preorder the CD from Beggars. It'd only be $12.70 for you with the 15% off coupon code, which I'd be happy to pass along.

Solid chance you'll get it earlier than the 11th, too.
There are no record stores in State College. The last remaining one closed a week before Romance Is Boring came out.

That said, I'll be home by May 11th, so my options might be more open.
Fair play.

Other news: the "Bloodbuzz" single has a b-side called "Sin-Eaters," and there will be an iTunes exclusive bonus track called "Walk Off," presumably not written about Brandon Wood.
Interesting. I'll have to get the iTunes exclusive from somebody, because I don't buy from iTunes. If I'm spending money, I want the physical jaunt.
Well, "Walk Off" won't be particularly difficult to "find" after it gets its iTunes release. I wouldn't worry about it. Same for "Sin-Eaters" once someone rips the 7".
Oh yeah, I'm sure it won't be.

I've listened to Bloodbuzz Ohio and the live versions of Terrible Love and The Runaway since both were of high quality. However, I'm holding out for the rest and not watching the low quality live videos spreading on YouTube.
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