The National

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
Allow me to make an analogy:

If a woman I'm only mildly attracted to told me I could sleep with her now or I could wait two months (at which point she'd potentially be more attractive), that's not a bad deal. Worth the wait. If Anne Hathaway pulled the same stunt, I'd drop everything I was doing and hop to it right then and there.

I have listened to appx 30 seconds of some National and BSS clips. Which makes zero sense cos that's not enough to really glean much, at all, but there you have it.

Imperor the German Texan pig-dog, that's a great analogy.
The radio rip really didn't do the song justice. The high quality sound is awesome. Everything I've heard so far from this album is GOLD.
wait, you won't download it even if it's available on the band's website?

I typically just avoid listening to any pre-release stuff unless it's officially the lead single. Makes getting the album more exciting and fun, as most everything is new. I just remembered Imps saying he was thinking about waiting as well, so I was asking him about it. I listened to the Fallon performance once.
Yep, there is artwork included in the download. "Bloodbuzz" is the single. No doubt about it.

Funny that you mention BSS, Mikey, because those two songs they plopped out yesterday haven't graced these ears yet. Now, I fucking love BSS and that's probably my second most anticipated album of the year, but it's easier for me to hold out for them. Weird how those things happen.
I typically just avoid listening to any pre-release stuff unless it's officially the lead single. Makes getting the album when it comes out more exciting and fun. I just remembered Imps saying he was thinking about waiting as well, so I was asking him about it. I listened to the Fallon performance once.

ah, understood. for some reason i was thinking that BloodBuzz was the lead single.
If it is, I'll probably buy it tonight. I assumed that song on Fallon was the lead single.
You don't have to buy it. They're giving it away. There might not even be a means of purchasing it right now. Think "World Sick."
Yep, there is artwork included in the download. "Bloodbuzz" is the single. No doubt about it.

Funny that you mention BSS, Mikey, because those two songs they plopped out yesterday haven't graced these ears yet. Now, I fucking love BSS and that's probably my second most anticipated album of the year, but it's easier for me to hold out for them. Weird how those things happen.

"plopped out"
Sorry. I was still thinking of the little "accident" I had a week ago when I saw Lisa Lobsinger walking down Sixth.
Bloodbuzz Ohio is sweeeeet!!!

But I prefer Terrible Love, :drool:

Cant wait for the album :hyper: , They just announced they are gonna be playing Electric Picnic!!! :hyper:
Hell yes:


Worth repeating.
I'm fucking amped. I'm thinking they're going to play most of the new album, a few of the old hits, and maybe one or two lesser known older tracks. If they play The Geese of Beverly Road, my entire year will be made by that alone.
Do you have the version of Alligator with the live version of that song as a bonus track, Peefer? Great stuff. Still one of my favorites of the band.
The best thing about Bloodbuzz is that the drums are cranked way up. The National knows when something is working for them.
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