The National

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Sick indeed.

I love how he grips the mic stand for dear life. He actually worked it out of the lock and it slid down at one point.
Holy shit. That performance proves why these guys are my favorite live band out there now, no question about it.
Heavy, man. Heavy. The song rocks. Thanks a lot for posting the link, peef.

And I really like the song title "David Boring"
OMG Incredible song!!!! The National can do no wrong!!!! :drool:

The fast drumming parts remind me of Squalor Victoria no major hang up there as there AMAZING in both songs!!!

I can't wait for the new album!!! :hyper::hyper: and the Blood Buzz Ohio premiere!! :hyper::hyper: but most of all the tour!!!! :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:
Glad to see Padma there with them, too. I thought it was odd when they had Doveman instead of him at some of the promo stuff for Boxer.
Awesome album cover. They're usually pretty consistent in that department, but I particularly like this one.
wait, what?!, new National already? that's awesome

and the album art is great, less dark
Hell yes:

Linky no worky. Change the underscore in front of mp3 to a dot. Then it works.
Not bad. Definitely sounds like a mid-album track, not a single, but I'm happy with this.

That bit about him being carried to Ohio in a swarm of bees is probably the least abstract image on the album.

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