The Future of U2 : More Speculation on the New Album

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War Child
Mar 21, 2007
I was having a few thoughts about the kind of impact the next album could have on the future of the band, and I think it is quite huge. These are just opinionative predictions I've been having.

2 possible scenarios I can see happening:

1. New Album - explodes onto the scene as another successful reinvention of U2 and breeds more experimentation.

Next Album - even more experimentation further in a similar direction; sees a fair amount of popularity

Final Album - band is nervous about releasing a third experimental album because of how they regard POP. So, once again it is a "return to form" of sorts; but this time they know that they almost ran out of steam with those types of albums after ATYCLB and HTDAAB. Therefore, having virtually nowhere to go after this album, they announce they will hang it up after this one. The band pours its heart and soul into this record and scores one of the best exits of all time.

Scenario #2.

New Album - An outcry is heard among fans "This is not the U2 we remember/want". Critics and a handful of dedicated fans still love them for trying something different/experimental/innovative, but it's not enough to keep U2 going in the same direction.

Next Album - "Return to basics" kind of sound...another unnecessary "apology" album (like I felt ATYCLB was for POP); but this time since they feel like they almost ran out of steam on this path after ATYCLB and HTDAAB, they announce this will be their last.

Post-U2 predictions:

Bono - goes on to promote his causes and does guest vocals on other artists' projects here and there.

Edge - becomes a successful producer for a number of bands

Adam & Larry - Retirement is fun!

A Crap-load of compilations/live DVD's/Books/unreleased rarities are released for the next 50+ years or so.

So, basically what I'm saying is that I think this album will be the deciding factor on whether we get U2 for about 10 more years or for only about 6 or so.

I hate to touch on such a depressing topic, but we have to consider that U2 seems to be a band that thinks once you are "out of touch", it's time to stop being a band. That, coupled with the age of the band and the legacy they already have, are the reasons I make these predictions.

Let me know if anyone agrees or thinks it is feasible. This is just food for thought. I'm not backing these ideas 100%; they just seem most likely, in my mind.
Whatever they do, experimental or more back to roots, there will always be people on either side that will like it and those that will not like it.

I don't care as long as they put out music that I can relate to and that they really care about as a band.

Something new is always a good thing. I try to be positive and not over-analyze, I'm just excited about whatever comes and don't destroy my excitement with negative thinking or analyzing what may be and what may not be. Waste of time and energy. I'm just happy to see them still around and working on new stuff.
I am having a "clean up before the end" feeling with all the things we got lately (Zoo/Pop DVDs, U2 by U2, remastered JT...wanna bet we'll get Red Rocks DVD by the end of this decade?).

Re: scenarios, funny you should say that in no. 2. The band has said (Edge) they have two distinctively different sets of material in Fez/Eno/Lanois and France/Rubin sessions. Perhaps they will go with the Morocco album first, and quickly release the backup Rubin material if things go bad ? :hmm:

I don't know. I think they will have a serious sit-down if the next album is a flop (like they did with "do we still have what it takes to go on as a band?" when making AB and "can we still make a great album?" after Pop), but more than any critical reactions the thing that could speed up the last album's arrival, IMO, is health. What will give out first ? Bono's voice or Larry's wrists ?
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That is a good point, unicorn. I am happy to at least still have them around now and thankful for whatever is released/produced.

And U2girl, don't worry too much; If Bono's voice gives out, they can always have Edge sing, and then Bono can just....uh...hmm...Crap! We really will be screwed if that happens!
I can see scenario #3 and #4...

#3 :up: :drool: no matter if the next album is a succes or a flop after "some" years they just make music for the pleasure of making new music, and that without the pressure of the whole 'the biggest band in the world', having #1 album in 30 countries... might be very very good and interesting

#4 :yikes: they become the new Rolling Stones, release crap albums every now and then and tour for 3 years every time to break new BO records:|
I think U2 will continue to release albums as long as they're alive!

Touring might happen less and less, and perhaps eventually not with every album, but I kinda think these guys are in it for the long haul!
Niceman said:
I think U2 will continue to release albums as long as they're alive!

Touring might happen less and less, and perhaps eventually not with every album, but I kinda think these guys are in it for the long haul!

I second that emotion!
I think it will be another boring album like Atomic Bomb. I don't really care what these producers and band members say at this point. Sure, it's way better than "we're making Atomic Bomb 2", but I've never trusted these guys to give respectable information on what the album will really be like. It honestly kind of annoys me now.

That said, I've learned to take all of this hype from the band as nothing. Until I hear something truly intriguing I'll assume it will be another disappointment.
I have fairly high expectations for the new record.

At first I dismissed the thread as being too theorhetical, but you have to figure that they have some rough idea of what they're going to do as they get a bit older. Of course it would be silly to map it all out in public, but these guys are businessmen as well as musicians.

And the idea of a post-touring U2 releasing albums seems a little shaky to me. Seems like the pattern is to get a record out there to tour. That's where the real money is. I assume that U2 will be making less and less from actual recordings as the music industry continues to collapse on itself. I just can't see them releasing records with any regularity without having tours.
shart1780 said:
I've never trusted these guys to give respectable information on what the album will really be like. It honestly kind of annoys me now.

I do have to agree with that. Everytime they say they are making a rock and roll record, it turns out to be a Pop-song filled record with maybe 15-20% of the songs actually being considered "Rock" songs. So, lately they've been saying they are getting away from making another Rock record; I am inclined to believe just the opposite and think that getting away from the last two records will actually cause them to Rock harder on the new one.
Niceman said:
I think U2 will continue to release albums as long as they're alive!

Touring might happen less and less, and perhaps eventually not with every album, but I kinda think these guys are in it for the long haul!

The band have basically indicated this, as long as they are all physically able. So I would agree. :up:
Danny Boy said:
Exactly what I was thinking. No matter how much noise they are making right now about a new sound, I think in the end things will get toned down, and we will get an album very much in the same vein as ATYCLB and HTDAAB.
I really can't see this happening.

I think that the band would choose to hang things up if they felt that the only musical direction that they could continue to go was Bomb's. The band has been very vocal about the fact that they feel like they've reached the end of a musical road with their last album.

I think that if U2's current attempt to go in a new musical direction failed to get off the ground just like their last one (their attempt to go punk rock), it would be disastrous for them as artists. I can't see them making yet another "just four guys in a room" kind of album.

As for your predictions, Rich79, I agree that stumbling with this new album may very well spell an early end for the band.

However, if they continue to be able to pull musical miracles out of their hat like they have been able to do every time they have hit a dead end up till now, then I could see them going for several more decades...
I think the next album will be quite a departure from ATYCLB / How to dismantle

I'l almost fairly sure it won't please the people who only seem to love Achtung / Zooropa / Pop + Passengers

so all in all not much wil change in the world of U2
Well Edge has already admitted that the beach clips from 2006 are not on the next album. So I guess it's nailed on to be a new departure.
Rich79 said:
I was having a few thoughts about the kind of impact the next album could have on the future of the band, and I think it is quite huge. These are just opinionative predictions I've been having.

2 possible scenarios I can see happening:

1. New Album - explodes onto the scene as another successful reinvention of U2 and breeds more experimentation.

Next Album - even more experimentation further in a similar direction; sees a fair amount of popularity

Final Album - band is nervous about releasing a third experimental album because of how they regard POP. So, once again it is a "return to form" of sorts; but this time they know that they almost ran out of steam with those types of albums after ATYCLB and HTDAAB. Therefore, having virtually nowhere to go after this album, they announce they will hang it up after this one. The band pours its heart and soul into this record and scores one of the best exits of all time.

Scenario #2.

New Album - An outcry is heard among fans "This is not the U2 we remember/want". Critics and a handful of dedicated fans still love them for trying something different/experimental/innovative, but it's not enough to keep U2 going in the same direction.

Next Album - "Return to basics" kind of sound...another unnecessary "apology" album (like I felt ATYCLB was for POP); but this time since they feel like they almost ran out of steam on this path after ATYCLB and HTDAAB, they announce this will be their last.

Post-U2 predictions:

Bono - goes on to promote his causes and does guest vocals on other artists' projects here and there.

Edge - becomes a successful producer for a number of bands

Adam & Larry - Retirement is fun!

A Crap-load of compilations/live DVD's/Books/unreleased rarities are released for the next 50+ years or so.

So, basically what I'm saying is that I think this album will be the deciding factor on whether we get U2 for about 10 more years or for only about 6 or so.

I hate to touch on such a depressing topic, but we have to consider that U2 seems to be a band that thinks once you are "out of touch", it's time to stop being a band. That, coupled with the age of the band and the legacy they already have, are the reasons I make these predictions.

Let me know if anyone agrees or thinks it is feasible. This is just food for thought. I'm not backing these ideas 100%; they just seem most likely, in my mind.


What do you MEAN Post-U2??!?! Didn't you know that they're all musical aliens with the life span of centuries??? :wink:

Whatever comes next with the new album, I think it's safe to say that it will be heavy on experimentation and new sounds. Even Lanois said that Edge is on to something new, and he's not typically one to throw words around. :yes:
roy said:
Well Edge has already admitted that the beach clips from 2006 are not on the next album. So I guess it's nailed on to be a new departure.

Where's that from?
roy said:
Well Edge has already admitted that the beach clips from 2006 are not on the next album. So I guess it's nailed on to be a new departure.

Really? I haven't seen any comment by a member of U2 about the beach clips. They seem only vaguely aware that Mercy's out there, so I'd honestly be surprised if they knew about the beach clips.
Niceman said:
I think U2 will continue to release albums as long as they're alive!

Touring might happen less and less, and perhaps eventually not with every album, but I kinda think these guys are in it for the long haul!


I'm looking forward to whatever comes from the new album. I'll always be a fan of U2, and continue to support them et all. I'm in it for the long haul, and I think U2 are too!
Utoo said:

Where's that from?

Well Edge said the the songs recorded with Rubin in 2006 hadn't been included at all in the sessions with Eno/Lanois.

That and the fact that Lanois has already stated:

"Even before we got to Morocco we had chosen eleven that could be a U2 record and my advice was to work on those eleven"

is a clear indication that the beach clips will not be included on the next album.
There's no proof the beach clips were recorded with Rubin, is there? They could be U2's own demos.

I thought they did only about 5-6 songs in the sessions with Rubin, including the two on U2:18. But maybe I'm just remembering wrong.
Axver said:
There's no proof the beach clips were recorded with Rubin, is there? They could be U2's own demos.

I thought they did only about 5-6 songs in the sessions with Rubin, including the two on U2:18. But maybe I'm just remembering wrong.

Well Window in the Skies was recorded with Rubin and it was a beach clip. :shrug:

I'd be surprised if the other beach clips we heard weren't recorded with Rubin at the same time.
roy said:

"Even before we got to Morocco we had chosen eleven that could be a U2 record and my advice was to work on those eleven"

:huh: So what are they waiting for ?

Doesn't Rubin's famous "get back to me when you have finished songs" line come from their meeting in France, summer last year ?
roy said:

That and the fact that Lanois has already stated:

"Even before we got to Morocco we had chosen eleven that could be a U2 record and my advice was to work on those eleven"

Haha, again......where's this one from? It seems odd to me that this line would seem to imply that either 1). they had 11 songs with Moroccan influence before they went to Morocco, or 2). they had 11 songs with no Moroccan influence and then Morocco-ized them. Both options seem odd to me.

I don't doubt what you initially said---that the new album may very well not include the beach clips (which would be a shame...). From the way the two sets of music sound, I don't think that the Rubin material would work well with the Morocco/Eno/Lanois material. In fact, I'd prefer that the two projects stay separate so that this next album has a strong, cohesive feel. However, I'm just trying to get my facts straight.
roy said:

Well Edge said the the songs recorded with Rubin in 2006 hadn't been included at all in the sessions with Eno/Lanois.

That's true that he thought it was seperate material from the Lanois/Eno sessions but are were sure that Brian and Daniel were not with U2 in France in 2006? Lanois said they've done sessions in Dublin, Eze and Morocco so far and that they will meet again in Dublin in November right?

Also who's asking "Is this the chorus?" in the 402 beachclip ("I Believe").
It could be Lanois and Eno, but I guess that it's most likely Albert Hammond Jr. from The Strokes that visited them and played his solo album to U2.

Just throwing out some thoughts.
Utoo said:

It seems odd to me that this line would seem to imply that either 1). they had 11 songs with Moroccan influence before they went to Morocco, or 2). they had 11 songs with no Moroccan influence and then Morocco-ized them. Both options seem odd to me.

A longer snippet from the interview:

"Even before we got to Morocco we had chosen eleven that could be a U2 record and my advice was to work on those eleven, not to fall into the temptation of making more and more material… but we did end up making more material so there you go! "

So it seems that the previous two songwriting sessions produced enough songs (in Lanois's opinion) for an actual album. But when they went to Morocco they wrote even more material which presumably has a different sound to the previous work.
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