The edges sound on the new album

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V Nura

Jun 14, 2001
I'm really excited to hear what edge comes up with on the new album. What sorts of moods he willl generate. All the talk bono has been giving the edge lately has just made me excited.

Edge has always been restrained, not playing 4 notes when two will do. I just wonder with all the talk we're hearing if he's thrown caution to the wind and is going to open it up, might be an interesting paradigm to see the Edge work in.

And if he decides, to play the way he's been playing for a number of years, I'm more than ok with that.

Any thoughts?
Okay I believe the Edge will still do his restrained type guitar playing, however, it will just be much more heavy and louder. Listen to Vertigo, it's the usual Edge sound\style but it's just louder and heavier. He's not going to start soloing like a madman, although I love the slidey solo in Miracle Drug (take that Hendrix!)
AussieU2fanman said:
Okay I believe the Edge will still do his restrained type guitar playing, however, it will just be much more heavy and louder. Listen to Vertigo, it's the usual Edge sound\style but it's just louder and heavier. He's not going to start soloing like a madman, although I love the slidey solo in Miracle Drug (take that Hendrix!)

I agree with this even on ATYCLB, with the stripped down playing he managed to blow me away on songs like Elevation and New York.

I guess we'll have to wait till the bomb drops to find out.
I think what will end up happening is there will be about 3 or 4 heavy songs for Edge remniscant of Elevation & SBS and perhaps a blistering guitar solo in the same vein as Bullet the Blue Sky. The rest of the songs will be simple/delicate notes that Mr Edge has played before (and there is nothing wrong with that)
I think that with all the guitar talk it could either mean Edge has come up with a new sound (like AB) or that it will just be full of guitar as their first three albums.
I am trying not to expect any full-blown guitar solos, though I am hoping one or two appear.
I'll be happy if Edge does what he does so well: carry a harmony/backing vocal to Bono, and experiment a little with his axe. However, if Edge does Amp out all the way through the album with power chords, I'd be equally pleased.

I can imagine Edge in the studio saying "gimme 4 more bars to work with", and the rest of the crew/band letting him have them. :)
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