I realize I'm posting this pretty late, but one of my friends just let me know about it. Hopefully you'll be able to catch it! Pretty dang impressive pair up.
The Decemberists Song List
Recorded July 10, 2007:
* The Crane Wife 3
* The Island: Come and See / The Landlord's Daughter / You'll Not Feel the Drowning
* Yankee Bayonet (with Laura Veirs)
* The Perfect Crime #2
Explosions in the Sky Song List
Recorded June 29, 2007:
* Yasmin the Light / Catastrophe and the Cure / Memorial
Mad props to PBS!
The Decemberists Song List
Recorded July 10, 2007:
* The Crane Wife 3
* The Island: Come and See / The Landlord's Daughter / You'll Not Feel the Drowning
* Yankee Bayonet (with Laura Veirs)
* The Perfect Crime #2
Explosions in the Sky Song List
Recorded June 29, 2007:
* Yasmin the Light / Catastrophe and the Cure / Memorial
Mad props to PBS!