The Dalton Brothers

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The Original, Rock n' Roll Doggie, VIP PASS
Jun 8, 2000
Hamilton, ON
OMG... I haven't laughed that hard in a long while! at under concert of the week you can download a recording of an entire Dalton Brothers set!

Sooo funny!
Due to my current slower-than-molasses connection, I only had time to download the intro tonight. But just that had me cracking up. You know, Bono really does do a killer Southern accent.

"Adam's in his world, lost to the music. You've probably never seen a happier person in your life."
~BP Fallon

"It's a damn poor mind that can only think of one way to spell a word."
~Andrew Jackson

And this was at their most 'po-faced, earnest, save the whale..all the rest of the media crap surrounding them' time. God bless y'awl.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!! This is freaking great!!! Some choice lines:

"Rock & Roll never tasted so good"
-Alton Dalton

"It really is great to be back in Los Angeles. Whenever we're in Los Angeles my brother he says to's great to be back in Los Angeles."
-Luke Dalton

I also really enjoy the rather loud chap entreating the Dalton Brothers to "Get the hell off the stage!"

Funny stuff
Thanks for sharing that! Since I was there, this is a real treat to actually hear it again. Where we were about 5th row, no one that was there knew it was them, and mostly they were totally ignored or booed. U2 really needs to do this again sometime.
hehe, classic Unpublished Songs indeed

Shake it, shake it, shake it
Originally posted by U2live:
Thanks for sharing that! Since I was there, this is a real treat to actually hear it again. Where we were about 5th row, no one that was there knew it was them, and mostly they were totally ignored or booed.

That's so wicked you were actually there! Did you find out it was them afterwards or what? details! details!
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