Mrs. Edge
Bono's Belly Dancing Friend
At LAST!!!! Wow. In a mad rush to meet my deadline of TODAY, I haven't even really proofread it, so I hope it reads well and doesn't have too many mistakes.
Bonavoix struck me as the kind of person who would prefer a romantic story to a raunchy one, and I think we need some feel good romance. Hope you'll enjoy it, and that you won't say "I waited all this time for THIS??"
A Singing Bird
?What??!! Jessica, you can?t be serious. There is no way I could possibly do it!? Lisa?s voice was shrill and laced with terror, yet there was a distinct undertone of delight seeping through the hysteria.
?Lisa, you should know that in the arts it?s all about who you know. This could change your career, and maybe even your life! Plus, at OA we have these opera patrons, and one of them might take you under their wing and sponsor the rest of your training! Besides, how hard could it really be? It?s just an audition, you do this sort of stuff every day!?
Jessica had just phoned Lisa because her boss, Marshall Pynkoski, the charismatic co-artistic director of Opera Atelier, Toronto?s internationally acclaimed Baroque opera company, was in a desperate jam. In two days the company would premiere North America?s first ever production of Mozart?s The Magic Flute on original period instruments and critics from across the world would be attending opening night. The singer in the role of Pamina had suddenly fallen ill and there were no suitable replacements. Marshall was apoplectic. Where would they find a talented young Lyric Soprano on such short notice? Marshall was a great believer in staying true to Mozart?s original intent of featuring young singers in his operas, and had launched many a young singer to international stardom. Jessica knew that this would be a chance in a lifetime for her friend, and after much coaxing, it was agreed that Lisa would fly in to Toronto the very next day for an audition. Jessica had always thought it would be a laugh to introduce Lisa to Marshall, but now it seemed the meeting had been preordained.
The next day, with her ear pressed against the rehearsal room door, straining to hear how the audition was progressing, Jessica knew something amazing was about to happen. Lisa?s voice was haunting, filling every corner of the room with supernatural beauty.
?Incredible. FABULOUS! This is STUPENDOUS!? thundered Marshall in his unmistakably booming and enthusiastic voice. Jessica grinned uncontrollably as she tiptoed back to her office. She knew that not only would Lisa be making her major debut with Opera Atelier the very next day, and the day after that, a night that the opera mercifully wasn?t performing, they would attend their first ever U2 show together at CNE stadium, on the final North American leg of the Joshua Tree tour.
Larry sighed as he collapsed into the deep sofa of his hotel room. Bono, who sat opposite him in a chair, was leafing through Now Magazine (a paper outlining everything that goes on in Toronto at a given time).
?Ehm, so Bono what are we gonna do on our night off? Should we play pool with Edge and Adam at the Bovine Sex Club??
?Well, I don?t know Larry, I was just noticing here that there?s an opera opening tonight not far from here.?
Larry?s expression turned from disdain to disbelief to amusement in a matter of seconds. ?OPERA?? You hate Opera! Have ye gone mad??
?Well, that wouldn?t be beyond the realm of possibility after being on tour this long, but no, that?s not it. And I don?t HATE opera?it?s just not something I listen to a lot. I just thought that knowing how me da feels about it, it might be fun to go just for a laugh and tell him about it. This one is supposed to be interesting because they?re playing on all these original 18th century instruments. But don?t worry Lawrence, although MY manliness isn?t in the least challenged by going to the opera, I wouldn?t dream of dragging you along on another of my flights of fancy. I?ll just go by myself!?
Never one to turn down a challenge, however real or implied, Larry promptly informed Bono that he would definitely be joining him for the opera that night ? but not to expect him to put on a suit!
That night, tucked safely in their seats, Bono and Larry casually perused their programs and admired the glorious red and gold d?cor of the Elgin Theatre. Jessica busied herself making sure that all the evening?s sponsors were seated, signage was up, inserts stuffed in the program, etc. As she made her way down the aisle, she noticed the backs of two heads. One had a ponytail and dark hair, the other a blonde brush cut. Slowing down, she then noticed that the one with the dark hair was wearing a leather vest and some sort of necklace, and the blonde was wearing a?.a T-SHIRT?? Jessica?s heart jumped in her throat. This could not possibly be. She dashed across the aisle to get a look from the other side. Sure enough, there sat Bono and Larry.
?Oh my God!? she gasped. What were THEY doing here? And where was the Edge!!! What should she do? Get their autographs? No, she didn?t have time. She had to warn Lisa! Jessica raced backstage and knocked on Lisa?s dressing room door. Lisa opened the door, a vision in one of the sumptuous costumes the company was famous for.
?Oh, Jessica!! I?m so glad you?re here! I?m so afraid I think I?m going to die! This couldn?t possibly get any worse!? she wailed. Jessica then realized that now might not be the best time to tell her who was in the audience. Instead, she gave her a hug and wished her luck. By the time Jessica got back to the front of house, the lights were dimming. She rushed to the nearest available seat?near Bono and Larry of course. As luck would have it, she got a seat right in front of them. With her heart pounding in her ears, she strained to hear any comments that might be exchanged.
Suddenly, Lisa made her entrance bathed in a white light that made her glisten like a jewel. Jessica heard Bono gasp. After a few minutes however, Jessica was so absorbed in Lisa?s solo, she had completely forgotten about Bono and Larry. The solo ended and the audience burst into applause.
?Oh my God!? Bono bellowed. Jessica jumped three feet in her seat, snapping suddenly back to reality after having been lulled into another world by Lisa?s angelic voice.
?That girl is GORGEOUS! Be still my beating heart! And that voice! Wow. Bet yer pretty glad I took ya to the opera NOW eh, Lawrence?? Bono enthused.
?But opera singers aren?t supposed to be like THAT, I thought all opera stars were supposed to be fat and ugly! This I could definitely get used to.? Larry murmured, his voice revealing an undertone of awe and admiration.
?Oh, Larry?I can?t believe you still believe such ridiculous stereotypes. Anyway, maybe we can go backstage and meet this girl? it?s her debut and I think she should be congratulated.? Bono?s voice softened as the performance resumed.
Finally, it was intermission. Unable to contain herself for one more minute, Jessica spun around in her seat and desperately trying to control the hysteria in her voice, introduced herself. After gushing her enthusiasm for U2, she offered to introduce them to Lisa after the show. Larry was polite, but eyed her with suspicion. Bono of course was his usual warm and charming self. It was absolute agony for Jessica to pull herself away from them to go and look after the sponsors. When she returned to her seat, she was worried that they would have meanwhile disappeared and that it was all a dream, but no, they were still there.
Finally, the performance ended, and Bono and Larry leapt to their feet, shouting ?BRAVA!!? at the tops of their lungs. Jessica threw a bouquet. Lisa?s peered into the darkness, pale cheeks flushed with delight. She didn?t know who those kind male forms hidden in shadows were, but she really appreciated their enthusiastic ovation. And the voice on one of them?it was strangely appealing. At this point though, even if it were the sound of silence and crickets greeting her she?d be happy. She had given the performance of her life.
After being showered with praise by Marshall and the rest of the company, Lisa collapsed in front of the dressing room mirror to remove her makeup. Suddenly there was a soft knock at the door. Expecting it to be Jessica, Lisa trilled, ?Come in!? The door creaked open, and there in the doorframe stood Bono, attired in an open-necked black silk shirt, half tucked into a beautifully tight pair of black jeans that revealed exactly enough to tantalize her eyes. Rounding out the ensemble was a casually askew black leather vest, and a cowboy hat cocked over one eye, as the other blazed a blue streak ? but not before winking at her flirtatiously first.
?Uh.? Lisa uttered hoarsely into the silence. A slow, sexy smile lifted the corner of Bono?s lips as his eyes carefully perused her frame. He was delighted to discover that she was even lovelier in person than on stage.
?Ehm, I hope ye don?t mind my barging in like this, but I met a friend of yours in the theatre, and it seems that we might have a mutual admiration society here!? Lisa jumped to her feet, sending her chair crashing to the floor. As she bent to pick up the chair, she knocked one of her bouquets off the table and onto the floor, spilling water and flower bits everywhere. Bono rushed over to help her. Soon they were both crouching face to face on the floor of her dressing room killing themselves laughing. The emergence of Bono?s dimples sent daggers of lust shooting through her body. On shaky newborn fawn legs, she attempted to stand, extending her hand to shake his. As his warm hand enveloped hers, their reverie was interrupted by the sound of a throat clearing over by the door.
Lisa peered over Bono?s shoulder only to be further astonished by the sight of Larry Mullen leaning suavely against the doorframe, one foot draped casually over the other, the very image of cool, unruffled manliness. Lisa tottered over to Larry on unsteady legs, trying to find the words that would express how thrilled and honoured she was that not only had they actually come to see the opera, but to visit her backstage! Touched by her obvious excitement, Larry smiled and chatted amiably, but he could feel disappointment welling in his stomach. There was absolutely no earthly point in attempting to flirt with her; she had obviously been a total goner from the minute Bono had stepped in the room. Larry sighed and gestured to Jessica, who was standing quietly in the corner turning many shades of red as usual.
?Erm, Listen Bono, I don?t know about you, but I?m going to take Jessica here out on the town to meet The Edge.? Speaking more loudly over Jessica?s squeals of delight, ?I guess I?ll see ye tomorrow then, ya?? Bono nodded quickly. He had no idea what would happen next, but he knew he needed to spend as much time with this girl as possible.
?Thanks Lawrence, and I really appreciate your coming to the opera with me.?
?My pleasure.? Larry sighed as he and Jessica stepped gingerly over shoes and bits of costume as they made their way out of the room, closing the door behind them. Larry had to admit, he had enjoyed this opera, Mozart really was quite beautiful. But it was looking like this would be yet another lonely, loveless night for Larry Mullen Jr.!
?Well!? Lisa chirped nervously into the silence. ?Um, I don?t know what your schedule is like, or if maybe you want to go to bed early because of the show tomorrow...? Lisa?s voice trailed off as she waited for his response. She wanted Bono to have a way out so he wouldn?t feel obliged to stay with her if he didn?t want to, but she prayed that he might stay just a little bit longer.
?Go to bed early? Hmmmm. Not a bad idea!? Bono began to grin mischievously as his eyes once again wandered over every inch of her frame. Lisa could feel her face and ears burning. Bono found her reticence to be extremely sexy.
?Seriously though?it?s not like I have any particular plans this evening. That?s the best part of a night off! Toronto?s full of places to go. In fact, there?s this bar right around the corner called the Reservoir Lounge that plays swing era jazz, and I was thinking of checking out if you?d like to join me for a drink. After a performance like that, I?m sure you could use one?what do you think?? Normally, Lisa would have much preferred to go home for a bath and bed, but this time, she didn?t have to be asked twice.
Lisa and Bono were two very talkative individuals and they chattered non-stop about every topic under the sun as she removed the rest of her makeup and her costume, and even while she was showering! It occurred to her as she readied herself to go out that Bono had actually undone her costume ? and she hadn?t even noticed! She would have to start paying closer attention, because an opportunity like this would not come her way again soon, if ever! It was just that she didn?t feel even remotely nervous or uncomfortable. Just as she had always suspected, Bono was MADE for her. As Bono held out his arm for her to take as they left the theatre, she was certain that this evening couldn?t possibly get any better.
Soon they arrived at the Reservoir Lounge, a bar that was located underneath a restaurant. The bar was dark, and the d?cor consisted entirely of exposed brick and pictures of the many musicians who had performed on its diminutive stage. In front of the stage was a very small dance floor, and surrounding the dance floor were candle lit tables. The atmosphere was cozy and intimate.
Just as Bono and Lisa stepped foot in the bar, which was unusually crowded for a Wednesday evening, the owner of the bar stepped up to the mic. ?Oh! I wonder if he?s seen Bono and going to welcome him?? Lisa wondered. She kind of hoped not, because she knew he?d be mobbed and she would no longer have a monopoly on him.
?Ladies and gents, thanks so much for coming to the Reservoir Lounge. As many of you know, we have a special guest tonight, and I?ve just been told that he?s going to do us the honour of singing a few tunes with our house band, Jake and the Blue Midnights!?
?I am?? Bono asked no one in particular, puzzling at the amazing speed with which the owner had noted his arrival.
?Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome?for the first time ever at the Reservoir Lounge?Mr. Frank Sinatra!!!!!? The small room erupted with cheers. Lisa squealed and jumped up and down in delight. ?Frank Sinatra!!! Oh, my God!!! I don?t believe it!!!? Bono was glad it was dark, because he was blushing from the embarrassment first of assuming the honoured guest was himself, and second for being upstaged in the eyes of his date by an old man! A legendary old man, but still!
As Frank began to confer with the band, Bono and Lisa made their way through the crowd to a place at the bar, as all the tables were taken.
?Ehm, I?ll have a martini?Lisa? What would you like??
?I?ll have a glass of champagne please.? If ever there were a night for toasting, this was it.
?A glass of the best champagne in the house for the lady here!? Bono commanded in his most masculine, sexy voice. He had to make up for the humiliation of the Sinatra incident.
?Oh, my God! It?s Bono!? shouted the bartender, loud enough that the whole room could hear. Again the room erupted into cheers. Bono bowed modestly.
?Hey kid, don?t you steal my thunder!? Frank growled from the stage. Bono made an ?I?m not worthy? bow towards Frank, which seemed to appease him.
Lisa watched Bono as he removed his hat and fluffed out his thick hair with one hand, holding his martini in the other. It was the sexiest sight she had ever seen. Bono winked at her again and began to massage the back of her neck.
?OK ? here?s a song for all the lovebirds out there?Fly me to the moon?let me play among the stars?let me see what spring is like on JU PI TER and Mars. In other words, HOOOOLD MYYY HAND?In other words, BABY KISS ME?.? Lisa?s eyes began to well up with tears as the enormity of the situation dawned on her. As if it weren?t amazing enough that Frank Sinatra was singing mere feet away, it seemed that he was actually singing for her and BONO!!!
Suddenly, she felt his warm breath as he whispered in her ear, ?Lisa, would you give this undeserving Irishman with no rhythm and two left feet the honour of this dance?? Wordlessly, Lisa nodded as Bono led her by the hand onto the dance floor. He pulled her tightly against his body, leading her effortlessly by pressing one leg against the inside of her thigh. Bono was surprisingly good at slow dancing ? but he?d had lots of practice! Lisa pressed her cheek against his, and inhaled the soft scent of his silky hair as brushed against her face.
The songs melted effortlessly into each other as they swayed for what seemed a blissful eternity. Each song caressed their ears, seeming to be written especially for them. ?Strangers in the night?exchanging glances?wondering in the night?what were the chances we?d be sharing love before the night was through?I get no kick from champagne, mere alcohol it doesn?t move me at all, so tell me why should it be true that I get a-KICK out of you?For once in my life I?ve found someone who needs me?someone I?ve needed so long, for once unafraid I can go where life leads me and somehow I know I?ll be strong?for once I can touch what my heart used to dream of, long before I knew?someone warm like you?would make my dreams come true??
Suddenly the music stopped and as the crowd cheered in rapture. Not wanting to let go of the moment, Bono clutched Lisa?s hand tightly.
?Thanks everyone, you?re too kind. Listen, as you know, we have another young singer here?maybe he?d like to come up here and do a number to impress his girlfriend!? Lisa?s heart jumped at being referred to as ?girlfriend?. Bono let go of Lisa?s hand and strode a few paces to the stage. After whispering to Frank, and gesturing to the band, Bono closed in on the mic.
?Ehm, well I certainly wasn?t expecting to sing anything, and I don?t think this is really a U2 crowd, but that?s a good thing, because now for the first time, I have the chance to sing my favourite Sinatra tune, and what more romantic a way to impress a girl than to sing a Sinatra tune. Frank, I apologize in advance for what I?m about to do to one of your classics?anyway, I?ve always thought this was a sexy song, but after meeting a very special person tonight, it has a whole new meaning?
The piano tinkled its intro and in typical Bono fashion he closed his eyes, swayed his hips and threw every ounce of his energy into his singing.
?Out of the tree of life I?ve just picked me a plum,
You came along and everything started in to hum,
Still it?s a real good bet the best is yet to come.
The best is yet to come and babe won?t that be fine
You think you?ve seen the sun but you ain?t seen it shine
Wait till the warm-up?s under way, wait till our lips have met
Wait ?till you see that sunshine day?you ain?t seen nothing yet
The best is yet to come and babe won?t it be fine
The best is yet to come, come the day you?re mine
Come the day you?re mine
I?m gonna teach you to fly
We?ve only tasted the wine, we?re gonna drain the cup dry
Wait ?till your charms are ripe for these arms to surround
You think you?ve flown before, but babe you ain?t left the ground
Wait ?till you?re locked in my embrace, wait ?till I draw you near
And wait till you?ve seen that sunshine place...ain?t nothing like it here
The best is yet to come and babe won?t it be fine
The best is yet to come, come the day you?re mine?.
Come the day you?re mine?and you?re GONNA be mine...?
Frank was so impressed with Bono?s rendition of the song, he invited Bono to join him in serenading Lisa with ?I?ve Got You Under My Skin?. Finally, as if things couldn?t get any better, Bono informed Frank that Lisa was a singer, and for their closing number the three of them traded verses on ?You can?t take that away from me.?
But in a painfully short time, as with all good things, the evening was coming to an end. Last call had come and gone, and Lisa and Bono bade farewell to Frank and began to wander the streets of Toronto on that crisp, cool October night, admiring the starry sky.
?Oh Bono, that was just the most amazing thing that?s ever happened to me. This whole day?has made my life.?
?Lisa, I?m glad you feel that way, but I think that many more exciting things will be happening in your life?and maybe they will make this night might pale in comparison!?
?Somehow, I doubt that?? Lisa?s voice trailed off wistfully as she began to shiver in the cold night air. Bono?s arm found its way around her again, and he began to stroke her shoulder and arm, keeping her warm, and drawing her closer.
?Remember? The best is yet to come?come the day you?re mine?? Bono began to sing softly. Lisa?s heart was breaking. How could he tease her this way when he couldn?t have any intention of following through?
?Don?t be mean?I don?t like to be teased.? Lisa pouted, trying to look like she was kidding ? even though she wasn?t.
?I?m NOT teasing! Listen, I wasn?t going to mention this to you until tomorrow, but the band is working on another album to go with this film we?re making, and then we?re going on a tour to Australia and the Far East next year. We were thinking we really wanted to have a backup female vocalist on the tour. I think you?ve got just the sort of expressive voice that can change from one style to another. Of course, I wouldn?t want to interrupt your studies or your career, but if you?d even consider it, I would be thrilled. I know the band would love you too. Edge has to sing this song on the new album, and I know he?s been looking for a vocal coach. I could use some help too, so you see? There could be all kinds of interesting things to look forward to.?
As he talked to her, Bono stopped walking and turned to face her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. Lisa was so trapped in the blue of his eyes, she could barely comprehend the words coming from his mouth ? but she knew that it was all good.
?Yes.? she answered simply.
?Yes what?? Bono stared searchingly into her face.
?Yes to all of it!!!? Bono wrapped his arms around her and laughingly spun her around. They were like two characters on an empty stage, drunk on the discovery of their newfound love. Soon Bono hailed a taxi, and they were off to the hotel. In the elevator on the way up to Bono?s room, Lisa mused that normally she wouldn?t sleep with someone on a first date, but it was amazing how willing she was to make an exception this time! Besides, this was something she knew was going to last.
She was delighted to note that Bono?s fingers were trembling slightly as he opened the door to his room.
?Wow, this is a great room!? she laughed, trying to break the tension. Bono chuckled softly as he kicked off his boots, and then threw off his vest. Then he sat on the edge of the bed, looking uncertain and vulnerable.
Lisa sat beside him, stroking his thick mane of hair with her fingertips. Suddenly, he turned to her and planted his lips upon hers. It had happened with such speed, she didn?t even see it coming. It was a kiss filled with such passion that it consumed them both with the suddenness and ferocity of a midsummer tempest! Lisa threw her arms around him and pressed herself against him as tightly as she possibly could. Locked in an embrace, they fell back onto the bed, barely able to break apart long enough to remove their clothes, but somehow, the clothes were removed with great expedience nonetheless.
Every new look, kiss and caress set off a dizzying array of emotions and pleasures she had never before experienced. She wanted so much to give back to him a mere iota of the happiness that he had brought her all those many years. Now that she was so close to him, she marveled at how she felt a blissful mixture of spiritual ecstasy and utter animal, sexual abandon. The promise of what lay beneath those tight black jeans had been more than fulfilled and she could hardly contain her delight. Finally, several rounds of ardent lovemaking later, they lay wrapped in each others arms, slowly falling into a blissful sleep.
?Lisa?? Bono whispered softly, staring besottedly at her in the semi darkness.
?I love you.?
Lisa?s mouth opened to reply, but no sound came out. Bono tried again.
?No really, I love you. I really do. I have never in my whole life been so certain of anything. Before today, I was beginning to think I would never find the pathway to happiness through true love, but I was so wrong. Love has finally rescued me.?
Lisa felt warm tears slipping down her cheeks and her body began to shake. It seemed she was wrong about things not being able to get any better.
?Don?t cry! I can?t bear to hear you crying. What?s wrong?? Bono pulled her tighter, her head resting on his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat.
?Nothing *sniff* is wrong?.*sniff, sniff* I?m just happy!?
?Oh, there, there. Don?t cry my love. Here, let me sing you a lullaby. It?s a melody I?ve had in my head for awhile, but now I finally know the words?you saaaayyy, you want, a diamond on a ring of gold?you say?you want? your story to remain untold?all the promises we make, from the cradle to the grave?when all I want is you??
And just as Bono was opening his mouth to ask her to marry him, he noticed that she had fallen fast asleep in his arms. No matter, tomorrow would be the dawn of many new and beautiful days that he and his love would spend together in a lifetime of blissful happiness.
The End.
Bonavoix struck me as the kind of person who would prefer a romantic story to a raunchy one, and I think we need some feel good romance. Hope you'll enjoy it, and that you won't say "I waited all this time for THIS??"
A Singing Bird
?What??!! Jessica, you can?t be serious. There is no way I could possibly do it!? Lisa?s voice was shrill and laced with terror, yet there was a distinct undertone of delight seeping through the hysteria.
?Lisa, you should know that in the arts it?s all about who you know. This could change your career, and maybe even your life! Plus, at OA we have these opera patrons, and one of them might take you under their wing and sponsor the rest of your training! Besides, how hard could it really be? It?s just an audition, you do this sort of stuff every day!?
Jessica had just phoned Lisa because her boss, Marshall Pynkoski, the charismatic co-artistic director of Opera Atelier, Toronto?s internationally acclaimed Baroque opera company, was in a desperate jam. In two days the company would premiere North America?s first ever production of Mozart?s The Magic Flute on original period instruments and critics from across the world would be attending opening night. The singer in the role of Pamina had suddenly fallen ill and there were no suitable replacements. Marshall was apoplectic. Where would they find a talented young Lyric Soprano on such short notice? Marshall was a great believer in staying true to Mozart?s original intent of featuring young singers in his operas, and had launched many a young singer to international stardom. Jessica knew that this would be a chance in a lifetime for her friend, and after much coaxing, it was agreed that Lisa would fly in to Toronto the very next day for an audition. Jessica had always thought it would be a laugh to introduce Lisa to Marshall, but now it seemed the meeting had been preordained.
The next day, with her ear pressed against the rehearsal room door, straining to hear how the audition was progressing, Jessica knew something amazing was about to happen. Lisa?s voice was haunting, filling every corner of the room with supernatural beauty.
?Incredible. FABULOUS! This is STUPENDOUS!? thundered Marshall in his unmistakably booming and enthusiastic voice. Jessica grinned uncontrollably as she tiptoed back to her office. She knew that not only would Lisa be making her major debut with Opera Atelier the very next day, and the day after that, a night that the opera mercifully wasn?t performing, they would attend their first ever U2 show together at CNE stadium, on the final North American leg of the Joshua Tree tour.
Larry sighed as he collapsed into the deep sofa of his hotel room. Bono, who sat opposite him in a chair, was leafing through Now Magazine (a paper outlining everything that goes on in Toronto at a given time).
?Ehm, so Bono what are we gonna do on our night off? Should we play pool with Edge and Adam at the Bovine Sex Club??
?Well, I don?t know Larry, I was just noticing here that there?s an opera opening tonight not far from here.?
Larry?s expression turned from disdain to disbelief to amusement in a matter of seconds. ?OPERA?? You hate Opera! Have ye gone mad??
?Well, that wouldn?t be beyond the realm of possibility after being on tour this long, but no, that?s not it. And I don?t HATE opera?it?s just not something I listen to a lot. I just thought that knowing how me da feels about it, it might be fun to go just for a laugh and tell him about it. This one is supposed to be interesting because they?re playing on all these original 18th century instruments. But don?t worry Lawrence, although MY manliness isn?t in the least challenged by going to the opera, I wouldn?t dream of dragging you along on another of my flights of fancy. I?ll just go by myself!?
Never one to turn down a challenge, however real or implied, Larry promptly informed Bono that he would definitely be joining him for the opera that night ? but not to expect him to put on a suit!
That night, tucked safely in their seats, Bono and Larry casually perused their programs and admired the glorious red and gold d?cor of the Elgin Theatre. Jessica busied herself making sure that all the evening?s sponsors were seated, signage was up, inserts stuffed in the program, etc. As she made her way down the aisle, she noticed the backs of two heads. One had a ponytail and dark hair, the other a blonde brush cut. Slowing down, she then noticed that the one with the dark hair was wearing a leather vest and some sort of necklace, and the blonde was wearing a?.a T-SHIRT?? Jessica?s heart jumped in her throat. This could not possibly be. She dashed across the aisle to get a look from the other side. Sure enough, there sat Bono and Larry.
?Oh my God!? she gasped. What were THEY doing here? And where was the Edge!!! What should she do? Get their autographs? No, she didn?t have time. She had to warn Lisa! Jessica raced backstage and knocked on Lisa?s dressing room door. Lisa opened the door, a vision in one of the sumptuous costumes the company was famous for.
?Oh, Jessica!! I?m so glad you?re here! I?m so afraid I think I?m going to die! This couldn?t possibly get any worse!? she wailed. Jessica then realized that now might not be the best time to tell her who was in the audience. Instead, she gave her a hug and wished her luck. By the time Jessica got back to the front of house, the lights were dimming. She rushed to the nearest available seat?near Bono and Larry of course. As luck would have it, she got a seat right in front of them. With her heart pounding in her ears, she strained to hear any comments that might be exchanged.
Suddenly, Lisa made her entrance bathed in a white light that made her glisten like a jewel. Jessica heard Bono gasp. After a few minutes however, Jessica was so absorbed in Lisa?s solo, she had completely forgotten about Bono and Larry. The solo ended and the audience burst into applause.
?Oh my God!? Bono bellowed. Jessica jumped three feet in her seat, snapping suddenly back to reality after having been lulled into another world by Lisa?s angelic voice.
?That girl is GORGEOUS! Be still my beating heart! And that voice! Wow. Bet yer pretty glad I took ya to the opera NOW eh, Lawrence?? Bono enthused.
?But opera singers aren?t supposed to be like THAT, I thought all opera stars were supposed to be fat and ugly! This I could definitely get used to.? Larry murmured, his voice revealing an undertone of awe and admiration.
?Oh, Larry?I can?t believe you still believe such ridiculous stereotypes. Anyway, maybe we can go backstage and meet this girl? it?s her debut and I think she should be congratulated.? Bono?s voice softened as the performance resumed.
Finally, it was intermission. Unable to contain herself for one more minute, Jessica spun around in her seat and desperately trying to control the hysteria in her voice, introduced herself. After gushing her enthusiasm for U2, she offered to introduce them to Lisa after the show. Larry was polite, but eyed her with suspicion. Bono of course was his usual warm and charming self. It was absolute agony for Jessica to pull herself away from them to go and look after the sponsors. When she returned to her seat, she was worried that they would have meanwhile disappeared and that it was all a dream, but no, they were still there.
Finally, the performance ended, and Bono and Larry leapt to their feet, shouting ?BRAVA!!? at the tops of their lungs. Jessica threw a bouquet. Lisa?s peered into the darkness, pale cheeks flushed with delight. She didn?t know who those kind male forms hidden in shadows were, but she really appreciated their enthusiastic ovation. And the voice on one of them?it was strangely appealing. At this point though, even if it were the sound of silence and crickets greeting her she?d be happy. She had given the performance of her life.
After being showered with praise by Marshall and the rest of the company, Lisa collapsed in front of the dressing room mirror to remove her makeup. Suddenly there was a soft knock at the door. Expecting it to be Jessica, Lisa trilled, ?Come in!? The door creaked open, and there in the doorframe stood Bono, attired in an open-necked black silk shirt, half tucked into a beautifully tight pair of black jeans that revealed exactly enough to tantalize her eyes. Rounding out the ensemble was a casually askew black leather vest, and a cowboy hat cocked over one eye, as the other blazed a blue streak ? but not before winking at her flirtatiously first.
?Uh.? Lisa uttered hoarsely into the silence. A slow, sexy smile lifted the corner of Bono?s lips as his eyes carefully perused her frame. He was delighted to discover that she was even lovelier in person than on stage.
?Ehm, I hope ye don?t mind my barging in like this, but I met a friend of yours in the theatre, and it seems that we might have a mutual admiration society here!? Lisa jumped to her feet, sending her chair crashing to the floor. As she bent to pick up the chair, she knocked one of her bouquets off the table and onto the floor, spilling water and flower bits everywhere. Bono rushed over to help her. Soon they were both crouching face to face on the floor of her dressing room killing themselves laughing. The emergence of Bono?s dimples sent daggers of lust shooting through her body. On shaky newborn fawn legs, she attempted to stand, extending her hand to shake his. As his warm hand enveloped hers, their reverie was interrupted by the sound of a throat clearing over by the door.
Lisa peered over Bono?s shoulder only to be further astonished by the sight of Larry Mullen leaning suavely against the doorframe, one foot draped casually over the other, the very image of cool, unruffled manliness. Lisa tottered over to Larry on unsteady legs, trying to find the words that would express how thrilled and honoured she was that not only had they actually come to see the opera, but to visit her backstage! Touched by her obvious excitement, Larry smiled and chatted amiably, but he could feel disappointment welling in his stomach. There was absolutely no earthly point in attempting to flirt with her; she had obviously been a total goner from the minute Bono had stepped in the room. Larry sighed and gestured to Jessica, who was standing quietly in the corner turning many shades of red as usual.
?Erm, Listen Bono, I don?t know about you, but I?m going to take Jessica here out on the town to meet The Edge.? Speaking more loudly over Jessica?s squeals of delight, ?I guess I?ll see ye tomorrow then, ya?? Bono nodded quickly. He had no idea what would happen next, but he knew he needed to spend as much time with this girl as possible.
?Thanks Lawrence, and I really appreciate your coming to the opera with me.?
?My pleasure.? Larry sighed as he and Jessica stepped gingerly over shoes and bits of costume as they made their way out of the room, closing the door behind them. Larry had to admit, he had enjoyed this opera, Mozart really was quite beautiful. But it was looking like this would be yet another lonely, loveless night for Larry Mullen Jr.!
?Well!? Lisa chirped nervously into the silence. ?Um, I don?t know what your schedule is like, or if maybe you want to go to bed early because of the show tomorrow...? Lisa?s voice trailed off as she waited for his response. She wanted Bono to have a way out so he wouldn?t feel obliged to stay with her if he didn?t want to, but she prayed that he might stay just a little bit longer.
?Go to bed early? Hmmmm. Not a bad idea!? Bono began to grin mischievously as his eyes once again wandered over every inch of her frame. Lisa could feel her face and ears burning. Bono found her reticence to be extremely sexy.
?Seriously though?it?s not like I have any particular plans this evening. That?s the best part of a night off! Toronto?s full of places to go. In fact, there?s this bar right around the corner called the Reservoir Lounge that plays swing era jazz, and I was thinking of checking out if you?d like to join me for a drink. After a performance like that, I?m sure you could use one?what do you think?? Normally, Lisa would have much preferred to go home for a bath and bed, but this time, she didn?t have to be asked twice.
Lisa and Bono were two very talkative individuals and they chattered non-stop about every topic under the sun as she removed the rest of her makeup and her costume, and even while she was showering! It occurred to her as she readied herself to go out that Bono had actually undone her costume ? and she hadn?t even noticed! She would have to start paying closer attention, because an opportunity like this would not come her way again soon, if ever! It was just that she didn?t feel even remotely nervous or uncomfortable. Just as she had always suspected, Bono was MADE for her. As Bono held out his arm for her to take as they left the theatre, she was certain that this evening couldn?t possibly get any better.
Soon they arrived at the Reservoir Lounge, a bar that was located underneath a restaurant. The bar was dark, and the d?cor consisted entirely of exposed brick and pictures of the many musicians who had performed on its diminutive stage. In front of the stage was a very small dance floor, and surrounding the dance floor were candle lit tables. The atmosphere was cozy and intimate.
Just as Bono and Lisa stepped foot in the bar, which was unusually crowded for a Wednesday evening, the owner of the bar stepped up to the mic. ?Oh! I wonder if he?s seen Bono and going to welcome him?? Lisa wondered. She kind of hoped not, because she knew he?d be mobbed and she would no longer have a monopoly on him.
?Ladies and gents, thanks so much for coming to the Reservoir Lounge. As many of you know, we have a special guest tonight, and I?ve just been told that he?s going to do us the honour of singing a few tunes with our house band, Jake and the Blue Midnights!?
?I am?? Bono asked no one in particular, puzzling at the amazing speed with which the owner had noted his arrival.
?Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome?for the first time ever at the Reservoir Lounge?Mr. Frank Sinatra!!!!!? The small room erupted with cheers. Lisa squealed and jumped up and down in delight. ?Frank Sinatra!!! Oh, my God!!! I don?t believe it!!!? Bono was glad it was dark, because he was blushing from the embarrassment first of assuming the honoured guest was himself, and second for being upstaged in the eyes of his date by an old man! A legendary old man, but still!
As Frank began to confer with the band, Bono and Lisa made their way through the crowd to a place at the bar, as all the tables were taken.
?Ehm, I?ll have a martini?Lisa? What would you like??
?I?ll have a glass of champagne please.? If ever there were a night for toasting, this was it.
?A glass of the best champagne in the house for the lady here!? Bono commanded in his most masculine, sexy voice. He had to make up for the humiliation of the Sinatra incident.
?Oh, my God! It?s Bono!? shouted the bartender, loud enough that the whole room could hear. Again the room erupted into cheers. Bono bowed modestly.
?Hey kid, don?t you steal my thunder!? Frank growled from the stage. Bono made an ?I?m not worthy? bow towards Frank, which seemed to appease him.
Lisa watched Bono as he removed his hat and fluffed out his thick hair with one hand, holding his martini in the other. It was the sexiest sight she had ever seen. Bono winked at her again and began to massage the back of her neck.
?OK ? here?s a song for all the lovebirds out there?Fly me to the moon?let me play among the stars?let me see what spring is like on JU PI TER and Mars. In other words, HOOOOLD MYYY HAND?In other words, BABY KISS ME?.? Lisa?s eyes began to well up with tears as the enormity of the situation dawned on her. As if it weren?t amazing enough that Frank Sinatra was singing mere feet away, it seemed that he was actually singing for her and BONO!!!
Suddenly, she felt his warm breath as he whispered in her ear, ?Lisa, would you give this undeserving Irishman with no rhythm and two left feet the honour of this dance?? Wordlessly, Lisa nodded as Bono led her by the hand onto the dance floor. He pulled her tightly against his body, leading her effortlessly by pressing one leg against the inside of her thigh. Bono was surprisingly good at slow dancing ? but he?d had lots of practice! Lisa pressed her cheek against his, and inhaled the soft scent of his silky hair as brushed against her face.
The songs melted effortlessly into each other as they swayed for what seemed a blissful eternity. Each song caressed their ears, seeming to be written especially for them. ?Strangers in the night?exchanging glances?wondering in the night?what were the chances we?d be sharing love before the night was through?I get no kick from champagne, mere alcohol it doesn?t move me at all, so tell me why should it be true that I get a-KICK out of you?For once in my life I?ve found someone who needs me?someone I?ve needed so long, for once unafraid I can go where life leads me and somehow I know I?ll be strong?for once I can touch what my heart used to dream of, long before I knew?someone warm like you?would make my dreams come true??
Suddenly the music stopped and as the crowd cheered in rapture. Not wanting to let go of the moment, Bono clutched Lisa?s hand tightly.
?Thanks everyone, you?re too kind. Listen, as you know, we have another young singer here?maybe he?d like to come up here and do a number to impress his girlfriend!? Lisa?s heart jumped at being referred to as ?girlfriend?. Bono let go of Lisa?s hand and strode a few paces to the stage. After whispering to Frank, and gesturing to the band, Bono closed in on the mic.
?Ehm, well I certainly wasn?t expecting to sing anything, and I don?t think this is really a U2 crowd, but that?s a good thing, because now for the first time, I have the chance to sing my favourite Sinatra tune, and what more romantic a way to impress a girl than to sing a Sinatra tune. Frank, I apologize in advance for what I?m about to do to one of your classics?anyway, I?ve always thought this was a sexy song, but after meeting a very special person tonight, it has a whole new meaning?
The piano tinkled its intro and in typical Bono fashion he closed his eyes, swayed his hips and threw every ounce of his energy into his singing.
?Out of the tree of life I?ve just picked me a plum,
You came along and everything started in to hum,
Still it?s a real good bet the best is yet to come.
The best is yet to come and babe won?t that be fine
You think you?ve seen the sun but you ain?t seen it shine
Wait till the warm-up?s under way, wait till our lips have met
Wait ?till you see that sunshine day?you ain?t seen nothing yet
The best is yet to come and babe won?t it be fine
The best is yet to come, come the day you?re mine
Come the day you?re mine
I?m gonna teach you to fly
We?ve only tasted the wine, we?re gonna drain the cup dry
Wait ?till your charms are ripe for these arms to surround
You think you?ve flown before, but babe you ain?t left the ground
Wait ?till you?re locked in my embrace, wait ?till I draw you near
And wait till you?ve seen that sunshine place...ain?t nothing like it here
The best is yet to come and babe won?t it be fine
The best is yet to come, come the day you?re mine?.
Come the day you?re mine?and you?re GONNA be mine...?
Frank was so impressed with Bono?s rendition of the song, he invited Bono to join him in serenading Lisa with ?I?ve Got You Under My Skin?. Finally, as if things couldn?t get any better, Bono informed Frank that Lisa was a singer, and for their closing number the three of them traded verses on ?You can?t take that away from me.?
But in a painfully short time, as with all good things, the evening was coming to an end. Last call had come and gone, and Lisa and Bono bade farewell to Frank and began to wander the streets of Toronto on that crisp, cool October night, admiring the starry sky.
?Oh Bono, that was just the most amazing thing that?s ever happened to me. This whole day?has made my life.?
?Lisa, I?m glad you feel that way, but I think that many more exciting things will be happening in your life?and maybe they will make this night might pale in comparison!?
?Somehow, I doubt that?? Lisa?s voice trailed off wistfully as she began to shiver in the cold night air. Bono?s arm found its way around her again, and he began to stroke her shoulder and arm, keeping her warm, and drawing her closer.
?Remember? The best is yet to come?come the day you?re mine?? Bono began to sing softly. Lisa?s heart was breaking. How could he tease her this way when he couldn?t have any intention of following through?
?Don?t be mean?I don?t like to be teased.? Lisa pouted, trying to look like she was kidding ? even though she wasn?t.
?I?m NOT teasing! Listen, I wasn?t going to mention this to you until tomorrow, but the band is working on another album to go with this film we?re making, and then we?re going on a tour to Australia and the Far East next year. We were thinking we really wanted to have a backup female vocalist on the tour. I think you?ve got just the sort of expressive voice that can change from one style to another. Of course, I wouldn?t want to interrupt your studies or your career, but if you?d even consider it, I would be thrilled. I know the band would love you too. Edge has to sing this song on the new album, and I know he?s been looking for a vocal coach. I could use some help too, so you see? There could be all kinds of interesting things to look forward to.?
As he talked to her, Bono stopped walking and turned to face her, wrapping his arms around her shoulders. Lisa was so trapped in the blue of his eyes, she could barely comprehend the words coming from his mouth ? but she knew that it was all good.
?Yes.? she answered simply.
?Yes what?? Bono stared searchingly into her face.
?Yes to all of it!!!? Bono wrapped his arms around her and laughingly spun her around. They were like two characters on an empty stage, drunk on the discovery of their newfound love. Soon Bono hailed a taxi, and they were off to the hotel. In the elevator on the way up to Bono?s room, Lisa mused that normally she wouldn?t sleep with someone on a first date, but it was amazing how willing she was to make an exception this time! Besides, this was something she knew was going to last.
She was delighted to note that Bono?s fingers were trembling slightly as he opened the door to his room.
?Wow, this is a great room!? she laughed, trying to break the tension. Bono chuckled softly as he kicked off his boots, and then threw off his vest. Then he sat on the edge of the bed, looking uncertain and vulnerable.
Lisa sat beside him, stroking his thick mane of hair with her fingertips. Suddenly, he turned to her and planted his lips upon hers. It had happened with such speed, she didn?t even see it coming. It was a kiss filled with such passion that it consumed them both with the suddenness and ferocity of a midsummer tempest! Lisa threw her arms around him and pressed herself against him as tightly as she possibly could. Locked in an embrace, they fell back onto the bed, barely able to break apart long enough to remove their clothes, but somehow, the clothes were removed with great expedience nonetheless.
Every new look, kiss and caress set off a dizzying array of emotions and pleasures she had never before experienced. She wanted so much to give back to him a mere iota of the happiness that he had brought her all those many years. Now that she was so close to him, she marveled at how she felt a blissful mixture of spiritual ecstasy and utter animal, sexual abandon. The promise of what lay beneath those tight black jeans had been more than fulfilled and she could hardly contain her delight. Finally, several rounds of ardent lovemaking later, they lay wrapped in each others arms, slowly falling into a blissful sleep.
?Lisa?? Bono whispered softly, staring besottedly at her in the semi darkness.
?I love you.?
Lisa?s mouth opened to reply, but no sound came out. Bono tried again.
?No really, I love you. I really do. I have never in my whole life been so certain of anything. Before today, I was beginning to think I would never find the pathway to happiness through true love, but I was so wrong. Love has finally rescued me.?
Lisa felt warm tears slipping down her cheeks and her body began to shake. It seemed she was wrong about things not being able to get any better.
?Don?t cry! I can?t bear to hear you crying. What?s wrong?? Bono pulled her tighter, her head resting on his chest, listening to his strong heartbeat.
?Nothing *sniff* is wrong?.*sniff, sniff* I?m just happy!?
?Oh, there, there. Don?t cry my love. Here, let me sing you a lullaby. It?s a melody I?ve had in my head for awhile, but now I finally know the words?you saaaayyy, you want, a diamond on a ring of gold?you say?you want? your story to remain untold?all the promises we make, from the cradle to the grave?when all I want is you??
And just as Bono was opening his mouth to ask her to marry him, he noticed that she had fallen fast asleep in his arms. No matter, tomorrow would be the dawn of many new and beautiful days that he and his love would spend together in a lifetime of blissful happiness.
The End.