Stanley Cup Finals beaten in TV Ratings by NCAA Softball World Series

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Headache in a Suitcase

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Jul 16, 2000
Opinions are my own.
-With a labor strife looming...
-with most of the teams in the league switching to the eeeever-so exciting trap system used by the Devils, because although boring as sin to watch, it works...
-playoff ratings on espn averaged a 0.7... the same ratings that billiards and bass fishing get... (in comparison, the XFL, considered the biggest disaster in sports/tv history, averaged a 0.6 rating in it's one season of existance)
-the game the other night lost in the ratings to the NCAA softball world series...

i think betman has some work cut out for him
Well, all my guy friends watched because they wanted to see if there were any hotties like former AZ pitcher Jennie Finch playing...

Average NJ/Anaheim playoff game:

Opening faceoff

No, the faceoff doesn't happen...player gets tossed.

Try again...someone, I think, wins the draw...and it's dumped in..

It's shot the length of the ice. Icing.

Oh, NJ wins the draw in the offensive zone!!! Oh, oh, the Ducks get it...and it's shot the length of the ice. Another icing.

Some time later...(we don't know if it's minutes, days, weeks, or months, it really doesn't matter in the end, or so they tell us)...NJ under a little bit of pressure again, oh, they chip the puck out just so it stops before the opposite goal line to avoid icing.

They do that again and again for several, they've made the "no whistle icing" an art can one not appreciate this?

At about the half way point in the game (is it already half over???), it seems as though a 3 on 2 is developing...surely this is something to They forgot what to do on a 3 on 2...but that's okay, because odd man rushes should never happen in the playoffs anyway.

Someone gets a make up penalty call...and Harry Neale laments on what the ref decided to smoke this time: "I've seen more of a hook on some fishing rods," he says, and we realize, for perhaps the first time, that we are being severely duped (though we're not certain if it's by Harry Neale or the NHL).

Some time later something curious happens...for a breaf moment there appears to be 3 strides of skating room inside the neutral zone...upon first glance, I almost can't believe it myself, but...1, 2, 3, 4...yes! only 4 players in the neutral zone! Where is everybody??? This is surely not right....oh my, look! The player is rushing with the bloody puck! He's skating and he has possession! Of the puck! As I watch this curious sight, I begin to realize I was having a flashback to the 94 finals...and then I realize this isn't the Canucks or the Rangers...and it all comes to an earth shattering end once I refocus on the screen and see, you guessed it, five more turnovers in the neutral zone....

But never fear! There are new things in store (well, new in an old kind of way)...back to the regular icings again...10 whistles in 5 seconds...a new record....this is exciting, another record falls....

Wait, what's this? A NJ Devil has a minor breakaway...everyone, including Giguere, is in shock....he stays on the goal line and closes his eyes. It's in the top corner...nice, these guys actually have some skill...why don't they try using it more often? Oh, who am I kidding! We are being treated to a 3 month clinic on fine defensive hockey...yes...and this is something I'm sure the true fan can appreciate...

Some time passes...and things happen (or so I must assume)...

Oh, look the game is over...and apparently 2 more goals were scored...but I missed them in all the excitement...

Watches highlights on sportsnet to see what we all missed...oh, Brodeur, what were you thinking??? That's got to be the weirdest goal ever, but no one saw it cause they were asleep or just weren't watching!

This is the average Devils/Ducks game...and we have the coaches and officials of today's NHL to thank for it. Thank-you and goodnight.
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oh griffdwg....:rolleyes: If it was Vancouver playing the trap - you would be RAVING about it.

And that softball player looks like a bad stripper. :yuck:
Just my opinion.

Oh, there was one softball player I was waitching as I switched back and forth between the two games (just joking - it was earlier in the tournament) where the player was as big as an offensive lineman (think William "the fridge" Perry playing softball - she would NAIL the ball. Sadly, they brought in a pinch runner for her. I think she was Chizzies dream girl.
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i know anna kournikova... anna kournikova is a friend of mine... and jennie finch, you are no anna kournikova... ok she's not a friend of mine, but i got alot of her pictures on my computer... :shifty:
just with that one photo - I pick Kournikova

Although - I know for a fact that there are attractive softball players out there!!!! I think they had the Big Ten Tourney here this year (Illinois). Maybe not.
zonelistener said:
oh griffdwg....:rolleyes: If it was Vancouver playing the trap - you would be RAVING about it.
haha, no I would not be at all. That would be a travesty in mind. Vancouver is the most exciting team in the NHL. You think I'd be happy if they started throwing that all away? I got my money's worth each and every time I saw the Canucks play this year. Sure, they didn't go all the way...but if anything, that was because they didn't play as aggresively as they can and usually play, and tried to play cautious hockey themselves. If they stuck to their exciting system, maybe things would have been different. Their game relies on an intense forecheck. They forgot about that in the 2nd round, and it cost them. So, to answer your question if I'd be raving if they played the trap -- no, absolutely not. I'd be quite dismayed.
Michael Griffiths said:
Depends on which women cops you're talking about...the ones on some commercials are anything but scary (the recent Honda one comes to mind). I love a woman in uniform *sigh*

the women cops in Georgia look like they can kick ass more than the male cops.

and as we know all male cops look like Mark Paul Gosselaar:drool:
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LOL, I had a plaid pair. :laugh: They are back in though! Or were last fall. I bought myself a plain black pair, but they have definitely gone down in quality--they had holes within a few weeks. :(
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