Blue Crack Addict
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Mark Freedman said:And that comment about Edge's solo getting in the way of his singing -- during recording, tracks are often laid down separately! He would NOT be playing at the same time they were recording the vocals!
Lucy3011 said:
You mean what U2_Guy said?
He was talking about the live version from Radio 1 the other day.
Mark Freedman said:
Nope, I'm talking about what gabrielvox said on page 1 of this thread:
"Its not the Edge, sorry. Its Bono. Just because he starts the chorus in a louder voice means nothing. As well it makes very little sense that Edge would sing a complete verse right during a blistering solo."
U2_Guy said:Larry's on the ohhhh yeahhhh ohhhhh yeahhhh with Bono. For sure.