Springsteen Part III

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Please allow me to express my great admiration for "Magic." "Devil's Arcade" is an absolute classic, and "Livin' in the Future" is exceedingly uplifting. I had read a lukewarm review from AllMusic, which I generally trust, and therefore was not expecting a great album, but I was pleasantly surprised! It is something of a shame that Radiohead has to some extent obscured this release.
Really, the only songs that I don't think are fantastic are "You'll Be Coming Down" and "I'll Work for Your Love."
For me, it's "You're Own Worst Enemy" and "I'll Work For Your Love", although Enemy has been growing on me, despite the fact that it still feels unfinished.

I really like "You'll Be Comin' Down", but I still can't get over how devastating the second half of the album is, from Magic to Terry's Song. Absolutely fantastic.
i got pictures
elevation2u said:

jesus christ, i wouldnt be surprised if i got banned from interference for bruce photos overload,
these are enough bruce pictures to last for the next 10 years, enjoy!
my apologies to the men

I think I love you. :love: :bow:

I expect all sorts of posts about chords and stuff when the mens get up and see all of this. :giggle:
for me it's "I'll Work For Your Love" and track 2, I don't know the title :reject:
I don't dislike the songs, but I don't particularly love them like the rest

and for anyone interested I am 99.9% sure
that Springsteen will be on the cover of the upcoming Rolling Stone based on this clue alone:


Yep. Definitely him. Awesome! I only buy RS when either U2, Prince or Springsteen's on the cover. That rag is a bunch of B.S. propaganda....
anyone have the live in new york CD in mp3 that they could send me? i can't find my CD of it anywhere, can't find it to download illegal style and the iTunes version is only available by song only, and they don't have The River, which is by far the best track on that cd.

clancy3434 (at) yahoo dot com
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