They played Vertigo, Elevation, Beautiful Day, Atomic Day, 2 biggest hits overall in Streets and With or Without You and some of you think this is a bad encore for a U2 show in Vegas in 2023???
I get it, I do... but they are playing AB for the super fans, so you have to balance that with more hits as only 3 or so songs on AB will normal people know...
Don't go making any sense here! Unreal....
They play all of AB in a brand new, never been tried before, high stakes show and people still complain! Everything about this is new....... not to mention Larry's hiatus! Thematically and logically, the R&H mini set far and away made the most sense. Make the safest play on opening night. It will change over time.
Did anyone seriously think we weren't going to get that encore?????!!!! I mean, they flat out said Atomic City would be in there. Adam and Bram mentioned BD and Streets. WOWY was on CBS, but we damn well could've predicted it would be there before that.
I'd be fine with Elevation getting a rest, too, but again. I knew 2 of the 3 (BD, Vertigo, Elevation) were a lock.
This encore won't change to a blender of Zooropa, Pop and Passengers, obviously, but it will change! Songs, sequencing, etc. Look at I&E and JT 30 for recent examples!
They didn't flip them drastically, but just take I&E. What you heard in Vancouver was very different 20 shows into the tour!