War Child
...and why U2 are on Interscope now. I thought they had like a six album contract with Island?
Details please.....
Details please.....
thanks for clearing that up, i was also wondering what had happened to Island!Originally posted by TylerDurden:
(I'm not sure of the years but....roughly)
Island are stand alone record company.....
(10 yrs later)
Island gets bought by Polygram.....
(10 yrs later)
Polygram gets bought by Universal...
Universal are now a f***n huge record company (the largest in market share, roster size, everything) and own a million labels of different sizes. So they did alot of shaking and merging and whatnot between all the small labels owned by Universal and Polygram to make it more streamlined. Lots of labels disappeared completely, I'm surprised Island survived...
Island is a relatively small label. 80% of Islands revenue is probably U2. The Island name and 'brand' still exist (it has alot of history with some styles of music), but essentially they were merged into Interscope. Esp. in the US where Island had pretty much no presence at all except for U2.
In Australia and Europe (I believe) we still have the Island label on ATYCLB, but it doesn't really mean anything, it's all Universal Music. And U2's deal would still stand.
It's a bit more complicated then that and businessy, but basically thats it. It's around, but it's just a brand name now.