So'll long Magnificent

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Dec 25, 2002
You were my favorite live song from No Line, glad I could hear you in Denver & Salt Lake :sad:
only loveeeeeeeeeee
onlyyyyyy loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
can heal such a scar

bah bah bah

only love
on-ly love

you and i will magnify
oh oh oh oh


Could have been epic with that opening.. it was just ok.
along with the egregious grammatical mistake in the thread title, i'm happy to see it gone.

with the old intro it was awesome for 30 seconds, then it was there. the 2011 efforts were just a lot dull.

give me the fly or even better than the real thing anyday.
At least they had the sense to get rid of it after they ruined it.

The Fly :drool:
I liked it a lot in the 6 shows I saw in Australia. A crowd pleaser, I thought, since Bono would always throw in a few local references during the intro. Nothing wrong with that. Plus I thought it was a pretty good showcase of just good Bono's voice is thesedays.
it was good for the first half of the tour, im glad they are doing what they are doing now though.

Perhaps it will sound better in future tours?
If they had still been playing the first live version, I'd miss it. I won't miss the remix, even though I only heard it once.
It never quite lived up to the beach clip from 2008 which is still the best version of the song.

YouTube - ‪U2- Magnificent- No line on the horizon‬‏

I dont hear a real difference between this and the album version?? :reject:

One of my favorite tracks, depending on your mood its either uplifting and energetic or ambient and melancholy. When a song can completely shift based on your mood, then you know its great and U2 really knows how to make a song that can be heard both ways. Personally, I enjoy the melancholy aspect of magnificent, and the guitar riff is beautiful and haunting
I dont hear a real difference between this and the album version?? :reject:

One of my favorite tracks, depending on your mood its either uplifting and energetic or ambient and melancholy. When a song can completely shift based on your mood, then you know its great and U2 really knows how to make a song that can be heard both ways. Personally, I enjoy the melancholy aspect of magnificent, and the guitar riff is beautiful and haunting

Agreed with your description there. I'm hearing a different lyric towards the end of the first verse and some extended measures before the chorus, but a lot of it like the solo remains the same.

Love the song, but I wouldn't have looked forward to the remix version they were doing in particular on this leg. That being said, they can play the album version at Minneapolis if they want. :D
I never understood why Bono changed the phrasing of the chorus. The way he sings "magnificent" on the album sounds so much better. He began the tour singing it like that, then changed it...kind of ruined it for me. :shrug:
I dont hear a real difference between this and the album version?? :reject:

They chopped out the spoken bono mini-verse just before the guitar solo.

I hadn't heard this since they came out and I'm surprise how close it was to the final version. I kinda shrugged my shoulder before due to sound quality.
It sounds like it had different lyrics too, although it's impossible to hear what he really sang. Wish we could have this version.. without the waves.... Bono's voice sounds so beautiful! :heart:
The main thing that disappointed me most about Magnificent live is that I think they dropped the slide Guitar solo in Mysterious Ways because they already had one in magnificent.

By the time they dispatched magnificent from the setlist, extending mysterious ways again would have made it seem too long..

Only theorising of course ;)
Magnificent would fit perfectly well in the setlist between Beautiful Day and Pride, taking Elevation's place (which I think is slightly awkward there, although not quite on the level of a terrible transition). Shame U2 don't seem to see this ... I'd much rather NLOTH come back, but at this stage, I'll take what I can get from NLOTH. Surely the setlist deserves more from NLOTH, and won't suffer from ditching an ATYCLB song that's over-shadowed by Beautiful Day and basically already reprised in the set by Vertigo?
Magnificent never did much for me, it was just sort of there. So I do not miss it at all. The only song from NLOTH that they should be doing is NLOTH. Great song, rocker, was great live. They dropped it early and it should have never been dropped!

I also think Stand Up Comedy was a mediocre album track, but had huge potential live. They should have at least tried it. But the setlist is really good right now otherwise except Miss Sarajevo and Pride. Replace those with Running to Stand Still, Bad and/or Discotheque (or God Part II, my dream song LOL) and it would be near perfection. Miss Sarajevo especially, I can understand Pride because it is a crowd pleaser. But Miss Sarajevo had its time on Vertigo, there was no reason to bring it back at this point. Its an OK song, not great, not bad.
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