So I says to mable I says....

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ONE love, blood, life
Jul 6, 2000
what is the absolute worse cd in your collection, excluding soundtracks, which people often buy for only one or two songs?

I'll have to go with Leonard Cohen, "Death of a Ladies Man" for me

"We got no style...swagger...but no style"

Ive never liked On Every Street by Dire Straits...a couple good songs but it just sounds sooo yank...*runs*
damn...mabel...of course...damn me to the deepest hell!

Is it true that if you chew ice it signifies sexual tension?

"We got no style...swagger...but no style"
anything can refer to sexual tension if you let the perverts define everything.

it's a f!#@$#@$#@!%#@ urban legend.

*whortense chomps down on a barrel of dried ice


~whortense wiffin
walla walla, washington
I've always chewed my ice...

-The Shitty Beatles? Are they any good?

-They suck!

-So it's not just a clever name...
Originally posted by brettig:
Ive never liked On Every Street by Dire Straits...a couple good songs but it just sounds sooo yank...*runs*
yes, I even sold my copy

Shake it, shake it, shake it
Yikes *ducks complete ridicule*

I own 'Folkways-A Vision Shared'-it must be pretty OLD.

Only for a U2 song-'Jesus Christ', and 2 Springsteen songs-'Vigilante Man' and 'I Ain't Got No Home'
The Breeders' "Last Splash"

What the hell was I thinking?


I will give you 2 GA's for 2 GC's!! Email or IM me or respond to the multiple threads I have concerning this. Help a desparate man out!!
AIM: ckennedy77
Isn't "So I says to Mabel, I says" a quote from the Simpsons?!
LOL I love that quote, Basstrap! Very good.

As for my least favorite cd, I'd have to say it's Wings Over America. The music is amazing, but the live recording sucks! I don't know why I still have it? Maybe I'll come around and finally appreciate it, but I doubt it.

P.S. Leonard Cohen's "Death of a Ladies Man" is often cited as his worst album...ever. I've never heard it, but if everyone (including yourself) hates it, it must be bad...
The "best" recording I once owned was Spin doctors live lp! It sucked so much...

The Breeder's was this US chic band from the early 90's. There most memorable song was Cannon Ball.


PS. Someone read below and trade with me..

I will give you 2 GA's for 2 GC's!! Email or IM me or respond to the multiple threads I have concerning this. Help a desparate man out!!
AIM: ckennedy77
I had a copy of the last sugar ray cd. I must have been on drugs when I got that one.
But I sold it to a record store a month ago.

The goal is SOUL
Originally posted by SweetPea:
I'm going to have to go with "Too High to Die", by The Meat Puppets

(I didn't buy it...I swear)

Hey, don't bash the meatpuppets!!!

CK (Proud owner of a Meet Puppets cd)

I will give you 2 GA's for 2 GC's!! Email or IM me or respond to the multiple threads I have concerning this. Help a desparate man out!!
AIM: ckennedy77

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