SNOW! In Ontario!

The friendliest place on the web for anyone that follows U2.
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MacPhisto's serving wench
Jun 6, 2001
Inside a bubble
Considering it was 10 (C) on Monday...last week we wore T-shirts outside w/ no coats. And NOW! They're closing my UNIVERSITY!

No Physics Lab! YES...

Everything is beautiful! And for 5 minutes, the whole world makes sense...

*Have you come here for forgiveness? Have you come to raise the dead? Have you come here to play Jesus to the lepers in your head?*
stupid snow!
I was supposed to go to chapters today to get flanigans book.

well my uni wasn't closed but i just had a meeting to go to. ottawa is just about to get hit with what kingston got.

november 12th 1955
I just got home from driving to school only to find out that the were closing it. It took me 3 hrs to get there(it normally takes 45min)and I called the school about 4 times during my trip there to see if they were going to close(it was a class I couldn't miss)needless to say Humber College sucks!!!It's barely even snowing now.I did hear beautiful day on the wayu there and had a laugh at the"traffic is stuck and you're not moving anywhere"

[This message has been edited by ms.hewson (edited 01-31-2002).]
Originally posted by pop_mofo:
Funnily enough, I go to Humber College as well. Luckily, I decided early this morning not to go to school. The potential for relaxing and listening to some U2 was just to much to pass up.

That was smart. Iwatched rattle n hum and elevation when I got home to make me feel better.What do you take at humber?

Originally posted by ms.hewson:
I just got home from driving to school only to find out that the were closing it. It took me 3 hrs to get there(it normally takes 45min)and I called the school about 4 times during my trip there to see if they were going to close(it was a class I couldn't miss)needless to say Humber College sucks!!!It's barely even snowing now.I did hear beautiful day on the wayu there and had a laugh at the"traffic is stuck and you're not moving anywhere"

[This message has been edited by ms.hewson (edited 01-31-2002).]

Funnily enough, I go to Humber College as well. Luckily, I decided early this morning not to go to school. The potential for relaxing and listening to some U2 was just to much to pass up.

Peace on Earth.
I stayed home from work and I watched Rattle n' Hum in the morning. Then my boyfriend and I curled up on the couch and watched 6 episode's of the Soprano's (I am on season 2) and ordered in Pizza which we got for free since it took 3 hours to come!!

It was a pretty good day. Today I am back at work though, and it took me 90 minutes to get here.

It said on the radio this morning though, that we will have an early spring. Apparently we will have another 2 weeks of easy to handle winter, then it will be spring time!!

Woo Hoo!! Break out the capri pants and sandels!!!
UPDATE: Friday February 1st

Dear Log,

School closed again today. McMaster. Hamilton is such a bunch of wusses. In Maple, in the 10 years I went to school there, York Catholic Separate NEVER ONCE closed down.

So no Bio inquiry presentation. No Chem Lab.

*sigh* Was I complaining before? I'm sorry. I meant to say...WHOO HOO!

Just hope the army doesn't have to dig us out again...


*Have you come here for forgiveness? Have you come to raise the dead? Have you come here to play Jesus to the lepers in your head?*
well, i'm in school
but it's supposed to be 60 degrees today in PITTSBURGH in february!!! heat wave!!!

<---hates cold weather with a passion

)|( Vande )|(

"A word I've always liked more than happiness is joy. Happiness is a mood that comes and goes, whereas joy is just there." -Bono

The CIRCLE only has one side.


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In my dream I was drowning my sorrows, but my sorrows they learned to swim...
Originally posted by spinninghead77:
*ROTFLMAO* How embarrassing was that???

Sooooo bad. Even Letterman made fun of us..."Oh! A little snow! Better call in the army!"

--I live in Maple. We get a bit more snow than T.O. We thought it was funny. My friends in Barrie thought it was damn hilarious....Mel Lastman, grrr! Ah well, at least it gave all those army boys something to do....although I would think it was the LAST job they thought they'd ever take...
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